Reviews & Comments of CommentFunnels chrome extension

From September 30th, 2019 to September 6th, 2020, 50% user give 5-star rating, 50% user give 1-star rating. for CommentFunnels chrome extension.

Reviews of commentfunnels:

Lee Jenkinson September 6th, 2020
Lee Jenkinson

Was recommended it by a blogger stating it was a FREE chrome extension for auto commenting on Facebook. Def does not have any FREE, or lite plans so will not be using it. It does have a 2 week trial but I do not believe in giving card details or account details for a trial, so unfortunately removed it from chrome!

Jason Bleizeffer September 30th, 2019
Jason Bleizeffer

This is an awesome chrome extension! This is such a time saver when it comes to answering comments on my Facebook posts. If you are an online marketer, this is a must have extension!