Reviews & Comments of Prey chrome extension

From October 23rd, 2021 to December 28th, 2021, 50% user give 2-star rating, 50% user give 1-star rating. for Prey chrome extension.

Reviews of prey:

Wingshing Yip December 28th, 2021
Wingshing Yip

I agree with Regina Woodard's review. The Prey for Chromebook requires an Enterprise/Nonprofit/Education plan upgrade to use, which defeats the purpose. And before you ask, it is NOT included as part of the 3 devices included in the free plan, which makes no sense. If a PC and an Android phone count as part of the free plan, a Chromebook should too.

Regina Woodard October 23rd, 2021
Regina Woodard

I've been using Prey for years and thankfully, I've never had to use it. However, after recently doing a powerwash on my Chromebook, I discovered that 1. I can no longer use the Android app and 2. I can only use the Chrome extension if I pay. Defeats the purpose of protecting my device if I have to pay for the same service I get on the free plan. If the home plan covered more than 3 devices (like say 5, $1 for each), then it would be a no brainer. But now, I'm going to have to let my Chromebook be at risk cause you all wanted more money.