Manifest files of NETFLIX browse with IMDb rating chrome extension

NETFLIX browse with IMDb rating chrome extension

Check all manifest files of NETFLIX browse with IMDb rating chrome extension here, We have collected 1 available versions of NETFLIX browse with IMDb rating here. The latest version is 0.0.1, and just updated 1748 days ago.

Available manifest files of NETFLIX browse with IMDb rating

Manifest File: {"name":"NETFLIX browse with IMDb rating","icons":{"16":"icon16.png","48":"icon48.png","128":"icon128.png"},"author":"T\u00f3th Kriszti\u00e1n Gyula","version":"0.0.1","update_url":"https:\/\/\/service\/update2\/crx","description":"Browse NETFLIX with IMDb ratings shown on title cards","permissions":["storage","tabs"],"browser_action":{"default_popup":"popup.html"},"content_scripts":[{"js":["js\/content.js"],"css":["css\/styles.css"],"matches":["https:\/\/\/browse"]}],"manifest_version":2}

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