Reviews & Comments of 3D Rolling Ball Game chrome extension

From January 27th, 2023 to February 16th, 2023, 100% user give 3-star rating. for 3D Rolling Ball Game chrome extension.

Reviews of 3d rolling ball game:

Oliver Chan February 16th, 2023
Oliver Chan

Cool concept (I love these sort of games), but the levels are EXTREMELY unfair. Like, in level 4, you literally have to make a completely blind fall onto a TINY catcher, and there are NO cues or hints to help you align the fall. Plus, the controls are odd too—how about using WASD or arrow keys to tilt the tracks instead?

Abigail Costello January 27th, 2023
Abigail Costello

el juego es bueno y entretenido , pero los niveles no se guardan. Podrán arreglar ese problema??