Reviews & Comments of WikiCros | Wikipedia Crossword chrome extension

From May 14th, 2019 to November 3rd, 2020, 17% user give 5-star rating, 17% user give 2-star rating, 67% user give 1-star rating. for WikiCros | Wikipedia Crossword chrome extension.

Reviews of wikicros | wikipedia crossword:

Mike November 3rd, 2020

does not work it is a pain in the derriere!

Audrey Beal October 24th, 2020
Audrey Beal

While the idea is good, and it's executed well enough, the information and articles used to generate clues are not always present or linked to on the page you're viewing. As clicking to a different tab, or outside the extension window, closes the extension and loses the entire puzzle (as it's generated each time you activate it), you can't really look for the information anywhere else. If it was easier to do this and didn't require multiple levels of reading to solve without a second device, it would be much better.

Kayleigh Moore (ImportedKayleigh) February 27th, 2020
Kayleigh Moore (ImportedKayleigh)

Too advanced. Also, be specific.

George Ruiz December 31st, 2019
George Ruiz

Some clues just say ______, California, United States. At least give information about the city.

Ava Zoete May 26th, 2019
Ava Zoete

great fun, you must be on the wikipedia website for it to work though

Kbar May 14th, 2019

it doesnt work :(. Would be fun if it did