Manifest files of Boomerang - A simple Tab Switcher chrome extension

Boomerang - A simple Tab Switcher chrome extension

Check all manifest files of Boomerang - A simple Tab Switcher chrome extension here, We have collected 1 available versions of Boomerang - A simple Tab Switcher here. The latest version is 1.0.1, and just updated 662 days ago.

Available manifest files of Boomerang - A simple Tab Switcher

Manifest File: {"name":"Boomerang - A simple Tab Switcher","icons":{"48":"icons\/Boomerang Logo.png"},"action":{"48":"icons\/Boomerang Logo.png"},"author":"Mitchell Mark-George","version":"1.0.1","commands":{"boomerang":{"description":"Switch between your current and pervious tabs","suggested_key":"Ctrl+Shift+Left"}},"background":{"service_worker":"background\/background.js"},"short_name":"Boomerang","update_url":"https:\/\/\/service\/update2\/crx","description":"An easier way to switch between your most recent tabs.","permissions":["activeTab","storage"],"offline_enabled":true,"manifest_version":3,"minimum_chrome_version":"88"}

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