Reviews & Comments of Favitabs chrome extension

From October 17th, 2017 to March 2nd, 2023, 78% user give 5-star rating, 22% user give 4-star rating. for Favitabs chrome extension.

Reviews of favitabs:

Can Koklu March 2nd, 2023
Can Koklu

This is the by and far the best new tab tool that lists existing open tabs. It's my favorite and I spent over an hour trying to find it because I couldn't remember the name. Hopefully now I'll be able to spot it easier.

Shekhar Bansal February 15th, 2023
Shekhar Bansal

Great for closing old/duplicate/unneeded tabs, but I don't like Favitabs on opening a new tab, please provide an option to enable and disable it.

Awais Malik December 12th, 2022
Awais Malik

Super helpful. Once piece of feedback: - If you could make the remove button left aligned as opposed to right aligned (like it is right now), it'll help will closing out the tabs with much ease since the cursor will automatically be positioned in place to close out the next tab.

Lauren Wunderlich April 21st, 2021
Lauren Wunderlich

Super helpful. Please make deletion of tabs easier -- the little tiny close button on hover is so difficult to trigger.

Pierre-François Laquerre December 5th, 2020
Pierre-François Laquerre

It's super useful but can be a bit of a memory hog for some reason. End up having to kill the extension every week or so.

Ross Judson November 17th, 2020
Ross Judson

This is exactly the right combination of overview and categorization for tabs. Something like this should be built-in!

Baris Eris February 19th, 2020
Baris Eris

This should be native functionality within Chrome. Quite useful; also a pro-tip, if you start typing a keyword, favitabs automagically filters for it, making it even easier to deal with too many tabs. Further, it also sees tabs from other Chrome instances. I have nothing to complain about, this is a big productivity boost.

Angjoo Kanazawa February 15th, 2020
Angjoo Kanazawa

This is the best thing to manage tab overload.

Josh Estelle October 17th, 2017
Josh Estelle

TOO MANY TABS. This just might be the best solution to that problem I've found so far.