Reviews & Comments of One America News chrome extension

From April 3rd, 2018 to October 20th, 2021, 75% user give 5-star rating, 13% user give 3-star rating, 13% user give 1-star rating. for One America News chrome extension.

Reviews of one america news:

AllYoull EverNeed October 20th, 2021
AllYoull EverNeed

It's sort of like The Onion, but without the disclaimer informing you it's parody, and with all the humor replaced by intentionally misleading rightwing propaganda specifically designed to terrify and enrage white-supremacists, republicans, conspiracy theorists, dimwitted and gullible rural americans, and people who, for whatever reason, get their rocks off on being constantly and increasingly enraged over nonexistent, or highly misinterpreted, perceived grievances and a deep-seated fear and hatred of people of color. Take anything OAN tells you with a grain of salt. On second thought, just bring the whole salt shaker!

Patrick Wood June 15th, 2021
Patrick Wood

Google's Search engine buries most conservative stories so this is a needed extension to avoid total news blindness. It would also be advisable to configure an alternate search engine as your default in any browser that uses the google search engine as its default search engine. The last time it was checked, Bing's search engine was not politically biased only influenced by advertising dollars like most search engines are. DuckDuckGo's search engine can also protect your privacy.

Chuck Newton October 15th, 2020
Chuck Newton

Covers both sides of the News Good and Bad...

Alice Work July 16th, 2020
Alice Work

One American News is worth the money. OAN covers news with out bias and cover stories the MSM chooses NOT to cover. Refreshing

Prg Prg March 8th, 2020
Prg Prg

OAN uncovers the news that the Main Stream Media refuses to cover. It also seems to uncover that even Fox News either neglects or for some reason does not cover. Why doesn't AON sue Comcast for not allowing OAN as a news choice on their network? The FCC should temporarily discontinue Comcast's broadcast rights. Maybe the Deep Stae has infiltrated the FCC also after the Sinclair Broadcasting fiasco last year. Sinclair would have widened Conservative outreach in America if they would have been allowed to merge with Tribune.

Jacks NME January 29th, 2020
Jacks NME

This company is coming up....

Dennis Esliger December 15th, 2019
Dennis Esliger

Not installed on PC yet must get by protection. Have had it in the past, excellent unbiased news source.

Martin Isaac April 3rd, 2018
Martin Isaac

top of the line news.