Manifest files of Name instead of UserId for SAP GitHub chrome extension

Name instead of UserId for SAP GitHub chrome extension

Check all manifest files of Name instead of UserId for SAP GitHub chrome extension here, We have collected 1 available versions of Name instead of UserId for SAP GitHub here. The latest version is 0.6.4, and just updated 454 days ago.

Available manifest files of Name instead of UserId for SAP GitHub

Manifest File: {"name":"Name instead of UserId for SAP GitHub","icons":{"16":"img\/icon16.png","48":"img\/icon48.png","128":"img\/icon128.png"},"version":"0.6.4","update_url":"https:\/\/\/service\/update2\/crx","description":"Display full name instead of UserId for SAP GitHub Enterprise instance & perform auto login via IDP if logged out","permissions":["storage"],"content_scripts":[{"js":["index.bundle.js"],"matches":["https:\/\/\/*","https:\/\/\/*"],"exclude_matches":["https:\/\/\/pages*","https:\/\/\/*"]}],"manifest_version":2}

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