Reviews & Comments of Bookmark tags chrome extension

From October 15th, 2019 to March 4th, 2023, 67% user give 5-star rating, 33% user give 4-star rating. for Bookmark tags chrome extension.

Reviews of bookmark tags:

Kamil Bogacz March 4th, 2023
Kamil Bogacz

So simple yet so powerful. Really allows you get on top of your bookmars when you've been hording them for a while. Please continue developing it, great stuff

Robert August 6th, 2022

I like it . . .but if you could allow selecting individual bookmarks for bulk removal after filtering I would love it!

Miguel Garza October 11th, 2021
Miguel Garza

I will say, I'm still in the early days of using this extension. I really don't think there's anything wrong with it; in fact for what it does it seems really, really great. The only reason I'm taking off a star: It doesn't really document very well what it does. Basically, this is an extension that creates an alternate bookmark manager tab that allows you to search and filter your bookmarks very quickly and allows you to perform batch operations on the bookmarks you've filtered to in the search bar. You don't even have to use the "#tag" syntax, although it does have built-in features for that syntax. It's all pretty straightforward and obvious with a little playing around, but it would be nice if there was a little bit of an overview somewhere. And more specifically, this should be documented: the hotkeys to open the first ten search results, which are numbered from one to zero (zero for the tenth result). To open one of these results, press Ctrl plus the corresponding number. E.g. Ctrl-1, Ctrl-2, etc.

Attila Szász February 7th, 2021
Attila Szász

This is so useful! Finally I no longer have to copy the same bookmark under different folders. Bonus feature request: would it be possible to allow an extra text field per bookmark? I often would like to mention why I bookmarked something, what was the original context, a reference of sort. I could enter that there and it would be cool to be able to search that content as well.

Arjan Mason October 10th, 2020
Arjan Mason

Very well done, thank you so much!

Andy Wong October 6th, 2020
Andy Wong

that is what I am looking for.

Dario Facchini April 15th, 2020
Dario Facchini

Great! But I have one problem with it. If I open Bookmark Tags tab, and then click on any favourite, I will not be able to open Bookmark Tabs again, until I close that tab I opened previously. This makes it unusable for me in everyday tasks, unless I am careful and open the favourite in a new tab (but then I have to remember to close the Bookmark Tags tab eventually). It would be great if I had the choice. Behaviour could be: BT tab is still open somewhere, move focus on that tab. BT tab just changed to any page, just open a new BT tab when requested.

Mojtaba Vahdati January 26th, 2020
Mojtaba Vahdati

Lovely extension. Period.

Wolfram August 12th, 2019

fantastic tool. missing some convenience features but basically the best and most compatible tool out there. also quick performance even with 3k+ bookmarks