Reviews & Comments of Spoiler Protection 2.0 chrome extension

From November 28th, 2017 to February 16th, 2023, 49% user give 5-star rating, 15% user give 4-star rating, 11% user give 3-star rating, 15% user give 2-star rating, 11% user give 1-star rating. for Spoiler Protection 2.0 chrome extension.

Reviews of spoiler protection 2.0:

Yoshikage Kira February 16th, 2023
Yoshikage Kira

Hogwarts Legacy protaction

Noir électrique January 29th, 2023
Noir électrique

it doesn't work anymore, nothing is hidden anymore

Facundo F December 15th, 2022
Facundo F

used it to block news about the World Cup, since I was getting too anxious about the final. works perfectly, many customization options

HAZAH GAMING! November 2nd, 2022

This is perfect for avoiding spoilers to Sonic Frontiers and other stuff so now I can play the game blind without people spoiling

I Love BBK Women October 11th, 2022
I Love BBK Women

Thank you so much for this, now I don't have to see Chainsaw Man spoilers these youtubers have been spitting left and right.

Darryl October 6th, 2022


Space Saver September 30th, 2022
Space Saver

Working fine in 2022. Now YouTube will finally stop spoiling my Lucifer :)

Cordelia Stewart July 5th, 2022
Cordelia Stewart

Great when it works, but every once in a while all my keywords will disappear, so the app is almost useless. Seems like this won't be fixed any time soon as this app hasn't been updated in 2 years, such a shame :(

Muthu Raj May 5th, 2022
Muthu Raj

Works really well. I love it.

Zauchi May 3rd, 2022

doesn't seem to work anymore :(

John Doe April 12th, 2022
John Doe

Doesn't work properly anymore.

Mob Mentality February 23rd, 2022
Mob Mentality

Probably the best of the spoiler protectors. Very clean and good modification options. I use it for general web editing - deleting unhelpful search results etc. and can't live without such a tool. HOWEVER, I have abandoned it now as it will throw away my list of data after some indeterminate time. I'm back to an empty list of data yet again.. this was the last time.

Kiran Appiah January 30th, 2022
Kiran Appiah

I thought I found the perfect extension for blocking spoilers, but even this has its game-breaking issues. It prevents every image and video thumbnail from loading when I turned the Images switch and videos switch off. This is not acceptable, as just keeping those switches on does not block images on google images, for example, just the caption below them... the only way to actually block those images is by turning the switch off, which just blocks everything. PLEASE fix this. I really want to like this, as it's the only good extension I've found.

Christopher Connelly January 20th, 2022
Christopher Connelly

Oh yeaahhhhh! In the time of Spider-Man No Way Home this is just what I needed!

Relax December 27th, 2021

This extension is literally my lifesaver. You know how many times i choke myself when those Youtube recommended videos just give away the important plot by one single line in its title? Not anymore, i pray those jerks rot in hell. And you or your team who made this, have special place in heaven.

Iftekhar Uddin November 24th, 2021
Iftekhar Uddin

As others mentioned it worked fine at first, then the spoilers warnings started to disappear and it instead marked things that had nothing to do with the keywords I entered

Colli_CF October 31st, 2021

10/10, Got what I wanted.

Eduardo Simioni April 24th, 2021
Eduardo Simioni

I like it a lot, really saved me a lot of time and energy by hiding bad news I don't want to even glimpse their headlines, like murders and etc. from news websites. Unfortunately the words/phrases I'm adding right now are not being picked up, I have hundreds already on the list, it still blocks all I have added up to a point, not new ones. I'm not sure if I have reached some kind of limitation. In any case looks like a bug to me.

Hisham Mohamed March 29th, 2021
Hisham Mohamed

works great thank you so much for this extension

Gavin Huxford March 18th, 2021
Gavin Huxford

the file for it is ejfnjabchbsahbcha so yeah but also spoilers on youtube for godzilla vs king kong which i want to watch more than anything it spoiled the winner so heck.

Fernando Gutiérrez December 18th, 2020
Fernando Gutiérrez

A problem I see is that when you import a category made by someone else, the keywords it contains are displayed in the main menu. Those keywords may be necessary, but can be a spoiler too. For example, telling you that certain character is going to show up, when it might have been a surprise otherwise. It's not theoretical, I have already seen it. The keyword list can become a comprehensive source of spoilers for that particular thing, exactly what you are trying to avoid. I think it would be better if the keywords were only accessible when you edit a category. It's still useful without that, because you can add your own keywords. Still, you don't know what you don't know, which means it's impossible to filter unless you add a category made by someone else. And that... is dangerous.

Samuel Awachie October 17th, 2020
Samuel Awachie

Just what I needed as a avid sport fan. Thanks for this. Out of interest, what language was this extension coded in? It appears to be Javascript or C++. Which exactly is it?

ExiledAssassin55 September 30th, 2020

I liked it for the longest time but now it's not working anymore.I have to now turn "hide keywords on site" off and then back on for it to take effect. Which defeats the purpose because by that point I've already seen the spoiler. It's even blocking other stuff that doesn't even have the keywords in it

Rafaello Adler-Abramo September 28th, 2020
Rafaello Adler-Abramo

As far as I am aware, this extension is the cause of the significant CPU issues I've been having recently. Specifically, pages with lots of text, as well as youtube, will over the course of ~20 minutes start consuming massive amounts of CPU (cycles?), despite nothing changing. This is all with **no keywords selected in the extension currently**. I've been pulling my hair out the last week or two, trying to figure out the issue. I ended up having to disable all my extensions, then reenable one or two at a time.

FrozenFirestorm54 July 28th, 2020

Two major problems with this extension. First of all, this extension doesn't account for no spaces between words for censoring spoilers. For example, if "dies" is one of your keywords and text on a website says, for instance, "GaryDies", then this extension will not block that text. I've already seen a spoiler once because of this issue. Secondly, spoiler keywords will sometimes disappear at random and you'll have to constantly check if they are there just to be safe. Overall pretty unreliable extension.

Draconyx July 16th, 2020

Due to its lack of customization, I have to give this two stars out of five. Why, you may ask? Well, that's because you can still get recommended spoilers from other media.

Ivan July 1st, 2020

It sometimes blocks spoilers, but not everytime. Instead it blocks random stuff on the internet. Wouldn't recommend.

I. A. Christopher January 16th, 2020
I. A. Christopher


Paul Lalli December 4th, 2019
Paul Lalli

Worked when I initially added all my keywords and categories. Opened a new tab, and everything had disappeared, both in the original tab and the new tab. There's no point in this extension if I have to re-add all categories and keywords every time I open a tab.

cathal670 June 6th, 2019

Only spoiler protection extension that works on Chrome seemingly and it works very well. Developed by someone who knows that the users want a very customisable experience. Includes a growing database of user-submitted spoiler categories for easy filtering. Hopefully this keeps working and my life will be spoiler free.

Tyler Durden May 13th, 2019
Tyler Durden

it doesn't block spoilers on youtube site until I reload the extension each time

Utku May 11th, 2019

It fails to censor time to time, and I get spoiled as a result.

Frank Versteegen May 2nd, 2019
Frank Versteegen

This app is way to useless its spoiler tagging things that aren't even spoilers, i just have to say groot which is a dutch word or rocket and this entire review is tagged as spoiler like so useless it is.

felipe pedroni May 2nd, 2019
felipe pedroni

Absolutely useful. unfortunatly I just discovered after 3 avengers end game big spoilers...

Bikram Lama April 27th, 2019
Bikram Lama

Whitelisted domains still being protected.

Domi April 24th, 2019

Amazing extensions. I wish i know about this sooner

Asyraf Marzuki April 23rd, 2019
Asyraf Marzuki

This app is 1337.

Ad53 April 14th, 2019

Absolutely great extension. Which i should have had installed a lot earlier

Andy Gilleand April 12th, 2019
Andy Gilleand

Working great so far, although there are a couple areas that could be improved. First, the spoiler context menu. It doesn't explain much about what you're supposed to do, and references a video that doesn't exist. Secondly, I would suggest that the spoiler box could list all of the tags that were matched, not just the first one. That would at least give some more context as to what exactly is being blocked. Another option I might add an exception option for each category. If it matches any of the matched words, it would be blocked UNLESS it also matches one of the exceptions for that category, then the content will not be blocked.

Jimmy Bailey January 18th, 2019
Jimmy Bailey

My spoilers that I made have disappeared twice in one day already. I had an extensive list, and I don't know what's happening.

Kevin Danis December 5th, 2018
Kevin Danis

Its good an all but the fact that you can click a little x and see the spoiler kind of spits on the kind of person who would need an extension like this. someone who has a hard time staying away from the thing they dont want to be spoiled on. other than that its very easy to use, and while it does miss some things like vague adds. its very expansive in what it covers.

jiuno y November 8th, 2018
jiuno y

It's pretty good, only it doesn't work with some sites like Pinterest. I tried setting it up in the "Spoiler Context" tab but there's no info on what to put for node name, class and ID list. The description says a video will show you how but I don't see it, and the "Spoiler Protection in work" video doesn't show it. It works for some general sites though so still helpful.

Vladyslav Babych October 6th, 2018
Vladyslav Babych

Great spoiler protection app! I would suggest one improvement though, please block video thumbnails on youtube as well. The app blocks video title which contains the spoiler word, but the thumbnail of the related video is still visible. They often contain spoilers, especially if they are related to some boxing or MMA matches (winner is usually shown with a hand raised). It would be very helpful, thanks! To clarify - I am talking about a list of suggested or related videos (the list on the right while you are playing a video).

Paolo Margari August 28th, 2018
Paolo Margari


Oscar Lau June 17th, 2018
Oscar Lau

Works perfectly!

Bethany Meyer May 3rd, 2018
Bethany Meyer

It's pretty good, but it has no instructions, and I can't get it to block pictures like it's shown here

Oscar Sommerbo April 28th, 2018
Oscar Sommerbo

Fast, I tired several spoiler addons but the whee all to slowin hiding spoilers. This is much faster. Great customizability and context tab is intriguing, I must try it soon.

Shahbaz Moon April 28th, 2018
Shahbaz Moon

This is the one I have been dreaming of. Works exactly as it is mentioned. Highly recommended.

Bernard Mamo April 27th, 2018
Bernard Mamo

Lokks great, works great :)

Anthony Adewole April 24th, 2018
Anthony Adewole

Great app. Works exactly as intended

Vanessa Lewis January 20th, 2018
Vanessa Lewis

Whitelisting URLs don't work. Things are blocked on them too. How can I watch TV Shows on streaming services if they are blocked too? This extension is powerful but should have a guide.

Tipomaniac January 12th, 2018

One of the best spoiler protections around. Only problem is that it enables and disables itself whenever it wants to.

Outlandish Skull December 31st, 2017
Outlandish Skull

I've been looking for this extention! Fantastic protection for spoilers. One missing features that I think it desperately need is covering the youtube thumbnails!

Peter Privacy November 28th, 2017
Peter Privacy

Best spoiler protection app out there!

itsnickatwell November 28th, 2017

One of the best extensions available for Google Chrome is back! It filters spoilers very nicely, and blocks images as well. It's a must have if you need to catch up on your favorite shows, or won't be watching them for awhile. Thank you so much for bringing this back and continuing to update this extension. It's very appreciated! :-)