Reviews & Comments of chrome extension

From October 20th, 2017 to April 10th, 2021, 38% user give 5-star rating, 13% user give 4-star rating, 13% user give 2-star rating, 38% user give 1-star rating. for chrome extension.

Reviews of

Eenna Vrublevska April 10th, 2021
Eenna Vrublevska

Just "Oops Could not verify the URL" everywhere. Can't mod anything.

เดน่า November 16th, 2019

I love the idea of this, but the very first page I tried to modify, it cloned my private site onto a URL on the author's website... And whenever I try to load the mod, it partially shows the page and locks up the web browser tab, eventually getting a warning from Chrome that the site is taking too long to respond. I can't find a way to remove this clone from the author's web server either. I saw that he posted something about loading the mod then clicking the "trash" button at the top right, but I can't load the mod, so there's no trash button. I'm not sure how exposed my private website is, being cloned onto the author's web server as it is right now. If I had any idea that editing a website would involve cloning it onto the author's webserver at a publicly-accessible URL, I never would have downloaded this extension.

Nathan 28 October 4th, 2019
Nathan 28

This is an amazing extension that will make it where i can finally keep the things I inspect! but for some reason anything that have to do with google it says it couldn't load URL like google classroom, Google, Google drive, etc. please make it where i can edit google too thank you!

Daniel Timothy Garcia October 21st, 2018
Daniel Timothy Garcia

Great functionality, but I can't figure out how to delete saved modifications.

- “‪Uberdine‬” - June 16th, 2018
- “‪Uberdine‬” -

Can't edit anything, app only shows the "read more" screen

Grim reaper February 1st, 2018
Grim reaper

Cannot edit what I needed it for. YouTube home button. It is a certain time of the year therefore for some reason the youtube home button went from a home button to I will take you where I want button.Seems useful for other things but when I bring it up to edit you tube's site the home button is the one thing that disappears completely.

Ryan Goree October 25th, 2017
Ryan Goree

One of the most useful extensions I've found in a while. Thanks Codrops!

Harley Jean October 20th, 2017
Harley Jean

Just what I needed!