Reviews & Comments of Linkify JIRA Issues chrome extension

From June 4th, 2014 to March 29th, 2020, 36% user give 5-star rating, 45% user give 4-star rating, 18% user give 3-star rating. for Linkify JIRA Issues chrome extension.

Reviews of linkify jira issues:

Steve Jagodzinski March 29th, 2020
Steve Jagodzinski

Is this open source to be sure that data is not being sent home? This extension works perfectly, but I have to rate it a 3 because the source is not readily available / there is no way to know its not sending content home. I mainly want this to link to JIRA from GitLab, and I don't need a random Chrome extension developer knowing all of our company inner source code. Happy to change to a 5 if source code can be provided.

Andy McCormick March 27th, 2020
Andy McCormick

Exactly what I needed.

Forrest Smith September 6th, 2019
Forrest Smith

This works well for me, except for one quirky behavior on Chrome OS that is actually pretty disruptive: If I'm typing out an issue tag in a text-input box, the moment when the plain text gets caught and edited into a link by the extension also seems to reset the placement of my cursor in the text box (it seems to almost always jump back to just before the start of the link). Is there a way to disable the auto-linking in text-input boxes? Or to have it add the link but but leave my cursor where it is?

Jarosław Rencz July 3rd, 2019
Jarosław Rencz

It would be great to be able to decide whether links should always be opened in a new tab

Robert Wunsch January 9th, 2019
Robert Wunsch

I do like the plugin - BUT PROBLEM: I does not work for high issue values such as "CQ-4260316" - the last digit is being cut-off.

Nate Elmer October 10th, 2018
Nate Elmer

This is a simple and effective extension, thank you.

Audun Bjørkøy August 22nd, 2018
Audun Bjørkøy

Does what we want! Only thing I could ask for is an option to open links in new tabs.

Devon Lehman October 13th, 2016
Devon Lehman

Does exactly what I want it to do, works perfectly!

Chris Lozeau September 10th, 2015
Chris Lozeau

Links to JIRA issues perfectly. Time saver. Thanks!

Andrew Macheret February 12th, 2015
Andrew Macheret

The only of this kind that I could find, however: 1. We use gitlab, but it unfortunately breaks the network graph and there's no way to exclude a page by wildcards like you can with userscripts. 2. The regex is case sensitive, and the only workaround is to do something like [tT][iI][cC][kK][eE][tT]-[0-9]+ which gets painful when you start to work with more projects. I ended up copying a chunk of the source code and making a personal userscript out of it.

Grzegorz P June 4th, 2014
Grzegorz P

Works like a charm, the only thing I miss is having name of the issue as tooltip for the link.