Manifest files of Catadoo - A Free, Playful and Fun Todolist! chrome extension

Catadoo - A Free, Playful and Fun Todolist! chrome extension

Check all manifest files of Catadoo - A Free, Playful and Fun Todolist! chrome extension here, We have collected 1 available versions of Catadoo - A Free, Playful and Fun Todolist! here. The latest version is 0.0.6, and just updated 579 days ago.

Available manifest files of Catadoo - A Free, Playful and Fun Todolist!

Manifest File: {"name":"Catadoo - A Free, Playful and Fun Todolist!","icons":{"128":"cat-128.png"},"action":{"default_icon":"cat-34.png","default_popup":"popup.html"},"version":"0.0.6","background":{"service_worker":"background.bundle.js"},"update_url":"https:\/\/\/service\/update2\/crx","description":"Catadoo is a gamified fun todolist that will make you want to finish your tasks","permissions":["alarms","storage","scripting"],"host_permissions":["<all_urls>"],"manifest_version":3,"chrome_url_overrides":{"newtab":"newtab.html"},"web_accessible_resources":[{"matches":[],"resources":["content.styles.css","icon-128.png","icon-34.png"]}]}

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