Reviews & Comments of Bookmark Visualizer chrome extension

From August 11th, 2014 to December 17th, 2014, 67% user give 4-star rating, 33% user give 1-star rating. for Bookmark Visualizer chrome extension.

Reviews of bookmark visualizer:

d December 17th, 2014

failed to load any previews with the error "too many requests" seemingly for any bookmark folder that has more than a dozen saved pages. Basically you're forced to hover over each of the several dozen items just to know what it is.

Miguel Fonseca November 1st, 2014
Miguel Fonseca

I like the idea but it doesnt respect the tree structure of my bookmark folders which could be easier to locate and it seems ilogical that is is a visualizer which doesnt show the bookmarks visualizations unless you click it. This means I have to click blindly to find a bookmark. If those 2 things were resolved it could become my favourite app very quickly! I look forward to it!

Ha med August 11th, 2014
Ha med

It seems to be in Alpha but I give it 4 stars for the design and the direction where it's heading! Looking forward for the updates :)