Reviews & Comments of TabsPane chrome extension

From November 26th, 2013 to November 12th, 2020, 60% user give 5-star rating, 20% user give 4-star rating, 10% user give 2-star rating, 10% user give 1-star rating. for TabsPane chrome extension.

Reviews of tabspane:

Laura Timmel November 12th, 2020
Laura Timmel

Unfortunately, the thumbnail previews don't load. The extension seems to work otherwise, but since the thumbnail feature is the main thing differentiating this from the hordes of other tab managers for Chrome, I'd say pass on this one.

Tim Silvers August 18th, 2020
Tim Silvers

Works great! I would like an option to navigate tabs with the keyboard rather than using search or clicking. And it would be nice to have a quick shortcut to switch to the previous tab used.

Rain Forest July 31st, 2019
Rain Forest

Very helpful when you assign a keyboard shortcut for it. Avoid duplicate tabs.

Billy Shaw April 13th, 2019
Billy Shaw

Always wanted a tab extension that makes Chrome tab view as matrix. Though it's the same style as Safari, it's the most efficient tab style. Basically, the TabsPane is the only extension that I could find to achieve this.

Erik Alcala Salero May 15th, 2018
Erik Alcala Salero

Great add on for my Vivaldi browser, would be awesome to be able to stack the tab previews and group them, be able to organize the tabs visually with the previews, different than using the very small icons generated when there too many tabs Great extension !

Petr Štika August 2nd, 2016
Petr Štika

simply perfect

Christopher Powell October 4th, 2015
Christopher Powell

Just downloaded this and haven't used it enough for an honest review. Although, I'm going to go ahead and give this five stars because in days of searching this is literally the only current "tab expose" "tabpose" or "tab overview" option I can find now since it has been removed from the official Chrome flags. I've been frustrated to no end wanting something like this and with a bit of tweaking I believe I can get this set into a swype though honestly the icon and shortcut option via extensions is plenty. That being said, my one gripe is that I want tab overview of all tabs in all windows not just the current window. For example, I have 485 tabs over 12 windows open. Most are suspended and not taking up memory but they are days or weeks old where I was researching something for work or wanted to reread a long article etc. I would much prefer to have a full tabs of all windows grouped by window option.

Z E B L A Z E D December 21st, 2014

Would of loved the panels to be bigger but otherwise this is a very close rendition of the tab over view chrome function. Great job! :D Please make the Panels bigger and if possible update the images faster. Sometimes the images won't update unless switching back and forth. Thanks!

Alessandro P December 19th, 2014
Alessandro P

clicking desidere tab in tab expose ,should actually close tab expose tab itself otherwise it just add clutter ,also the extension on osx works very bad a lot of tab won t show any preview

Oben Z November 26th, 2013
Oben Z

exactly what I was looking for! Good Job!