Reviews & Comments of Bandcamp Feed Playlist chrome extension

From April 26th, 2019 to March 22nd, 2021, 50% user give 5-star rating, 50% user give 4-star rating. for Bandcamp Feed Playlist chrome extension.

Reviews of bandcamp feed playlist:

Polite Society March 22nd, 2021
Polite Society

I don't know why this isn't just available in vanilla bandcamp. As mentioned previously the order of tracks played can switch between the feed and the recommendations which is a bit annoying, but not the worst. I would love to be able to be able to queue or reorder tracks manually in the future, if that were possible.

Stevie White April 26th, 2019
Stevie White

I'm glad that this is finally on the chrome web store, I was getting tired of Chromium complaining about using a developer extension. I use it in Brave and it works great. There are some occasions where it starts playing songs that are not in the feed (usually these are the songs on the recommendation/new releases list on the right side of the page), but this isn't really a huge deal. My only other wish is that this were available on Fire Fox. :) Thanks for making this!