Reviews & Comments of EasySB chrome extension

From November 7th, 2021 to February 5th, 2023, 80% user give 5-star rating, 20% user give 1-star rating. for EasySB chrome extension.

Reviews of easysb:

shlomo boyd February 5th, 2023
shlomo boyd

Thank You , Worth it Mcgraw Hill seems that it has been working to Identify this tool but its still working

T N January 8th, 2023

Extension is unusable due to a bug that says you are logged in elsewhere despite using only one device. Attempting to contact the support email listed on the website has resulted in no reply. Overall, a waste of $25, save your money.

Zachary Hubenak October 26th, 2022
Zachary Hubenak

A few things: 1. THANK YOU SO MUCH 2. Where can I donate? 3. Why isn't there an auto next feature? I use an auto clicker to do it but I was just wondering?

Pernia Rutherford October 6th, 2022
Pernia Rutherford

Honestly the best $20 I have spent. I took a risk with it, since there was only one review and hardly anyone talked about it online. But it saved me tons of hours on pointless SmartBook assignments. I did a few without this tool first, took me about 3 hours each to complete (each chapter for my class went over 50-70 concepts, which had about 240 questions within it). This tool helped me cut that ridiculous 3 hours down to a manageable 20 minutes, and even lets you export the data as flashcards to study if you need it. Super helpful.

A Smith November 7th, 2021
A Smith

Does as it says.