Reviews & Comments of Linguix Turbo: Text Expander and Shortcuts chrome extension

From March 12th, 2023 to March 28th, 2023, 73% user give 5-star rating, 27% user give 4-star rating. for Linguix Turbo: Text Expander and Shortcuts chrome extension.

Reviews of linguix turbo: text expander and shortcuts:

Shukri Razalimod March 28th, 2023
Shukri Razalimod

As someone who works in data and communications, I often find myself typing the same sentences repeatedly or constantly switching between screens to copy and paste information. That is why I am thrilled to have discovered Linguix Turbo. This text expander has been a fantastic addition to my workflow, and I'm amazed by how much time it saves me each day. I estimate that I save between 45 to 60 minutes of typing each day

Tim Jack March 27th, 2023
Tim Jack

Guys, please add folders so that I could have my shortcuts better organized! The app works fast and really saves me time, but better organization would be cool to have!

Fin Adam March 26th, 2023
Fin Adam

Linguix Turbo is a game-changer, and I never knew how much I needed it until it saved me hours, if not days of time. I can't believe how much easier it has made my work. This app's ability to automate frequently used phrases and sentences is a real time-saver, and the more I use it, the more time it saves me. I'm so grateful to have discovered Linguix Turbo and highly recommend it to anyone looking to increase productivity and streamline their workflow. Try it out for yourself, and I promise you won't regret it.

Alex Hales March 26th, 2023
Alex Hales

Linguix Turbo is the perfect solution for anyone looking for a tool that simplifies filling out forms and responding to messages. Setting it up is a breeze, and the results are fantastic. I'm pleased to say that it has transformed the way I work. With the free version, you can create up to 5 shortcuts, which meets my current needs perfectly. The ability to customize and automate frequently used text phrases and sentences has saved me a considerable amount of time and effort. If you're in search of a reliable text expander, Linguix Turbo is the way to go.

Ahmed lactrache March 25th, 2023
Ahmed lactrache

It is a great app. I wish it would better bundle with their other writing assistant app Linguix, sometimes they are conflicting, but other than that, it is a really nice productivity tool.

Théo Gwadani March 23rd, 2023
Théo Gwadani

Linguix Turbo is an outstanding tool for individuals who frequently perform repetitive tasks in Chrome. Specifically, it is a game-changer for those in customer service or anyone who needs to enter the same information repeatedly. For instance, with just a simple keystroke, like typing "//intro," this plugin instantly inputs my entire standard email template that I utilize to initiate client conversations. This feature saves me a considerable amount of time, approximately 2 to 3 minutes each time. If you're looking to streamline your workflow and increase efficiency, I highly recommend giving Linguix Turbo a try.

Augustino Carlo March 22nd, 2023
Augustino Carlo

If you often find yourself typing repetitive notes in your work, Linguix Turbo text expander can be an incredibly useful tool. Personally, I have found it to be a valuable asset for recording cold calling call notes in Salesforce. However, I have also recommended it to colleagues and friends outside of my organization who use it for various tasks, and they have all provided positive feedback. Give it a try and see how it can streamline your workflow and save you time.

Mathieu falez March 21st, 2023
Mathieu falez

I love that they've added rich formatting options. And built-in grammar checker and rewriter for shortcuts is a killer feature in my opinion. The only thing I am missing is an option to add attachments to my shortcuts.

Hélène Calix March 19th, 2023
Hélène Calix

The app works great and covers pretty much every scenario for me: LinkedIn, Gmail, I also use it on Google Docs to reuse bigger chunks of content for reports. I think, the easiest thing to do with Turbo is to create some shortcuts for text expansions for Gmail. Btw, I use different signatures and this is a great tool to automate this task.

Lily Abril March 17th, 2023
Lily Abril

Great tool for those in sales to SAVE TIME when sending pitches, connection requests on LinkedIn, and follow-ups! Definitely worth investing in the paid version!

Vitaly Kukharenko March 12th, 2023
Vitaly Kukharenko

Easy to use and saves a lot of time!