Manifest files of Galgalatz - play it live - מוזיקה זה גלגלצ chrome extension

Galgalatz - play it live - מוזיקה זה גלגלצ chrome extension

Check all manifest files of Galgalatz - play it live - מוזיקה זה גלגלצ chrome extension here, We have collected 1 available versions of Galgalatz - play it live - מוזיקה זה גלגלצ here. The latest version is 0.3, and just updated 2348 days ago.

Available manifest files of Galgalatz - play it live - מוזיקה זה גלגלצ

Manifest File: {"name":"Galgalatz - play it live - \u05de\u05d5\u05d6\u05d9\u05e7\u05d4 \u05d6\u05d4 \u05d2\u05dc\u05d2\u05dc\u05e6","icons":{"128":"icon.png"},"author":"Miki Ziso , Shlomy Nahum","version":"0.3","background":{"scripts":["bg.js"]},"short_name":"\u05e9\u05d9\u05d3\u05d5\u05e8 \u05d7\u05d9 \u05d1\u05d2\u05dc\u05d2\u05dc\u05e6","update_url":"https:\/\/\/service\/update2\/crx","description":"Listen to the radio station and get song updates","permissions":["notifications","storage","https:\/\/\/"],"browser_action":{"default_icon":"icon.png","default_popup":"popup.html"},"manifest_version":2}

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