Reviews & Comments of Tum Cruise chrome extension

From January 18th, 2013 to March 7th, 2019, 63% user give 5-star rating, 25% user give 4-star rating, 13% user give 1-star rating. for Tum Cruise chrome extension.

Reviews of tum cruise:

chanel g March 7th, 2019
chanel g

I love the extension! Please can you consider new styles/ colours and fonts for the extension. Thanks.

Summer Spring September 4th, 2013
Summer Spring

Very helpful every time I need it

Cashman Timeoff April 17th, 2013
Cashman Timeoff

way cool

Reece Holten April 5th, 2013
Reece Holten

Im not that computer savy, but I enjoy tumblr and i have used a couple dowloads for tumblr. this one seems to be the most useful, and easy to understand

Bobby Venella April 5th, 2013
Bobby Venella

Been messing around with this extension. It's pretty self explanatory and easy to use and navigate. I am still getting a hang of using tumblr, but im pretty sure it would be a little more complicated to use without this tum cruise. I like it.

Lizzy Solies April 5th, 2013
Lizzy Solies

LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE This extension.... I am a total tumblr freak and if you are like me and are stuck on tumblr for hours setting up your Que and re-blogging like a mad person... this tool is so awesome... it looks great, works great... and makes my life so much easier. I love how on some blogs if I want to keep going on there is not like a next page button the tum cruise will get me to the next page... I also love the search on tum cruise... I feel like it pulls up better results than tumblr's search... 10 million thumbs up this extension rocks!

Aaron Hoopes April 5th, 2013
Aaron Hoopes

Wow!!! When I saw that kid Daniel's review I was a little worried but I went for it anyway and tried it out. I LOVE IT!!! Pure genius and makes my "tumblr cruising" way more enjoyable and way less hassle. I really appreciate the person who developed this for being so innovative and thinking of "OTHERS" by sharing his tools to make our experience more enjoyable and convenient! Daniel Go suck an egg... and stop being such a hater.. GO TUM CRUISE!!!! LOVE IT!!! DOWNLOAD AND ENJOY... I DID and I am so happy I did!

Daniel Montero January 18th, 2013
Daniel Montero

Even tho I think the idea out of it is pretty cool and makes it easier to surf other tumblogs, I think it's pretty cheap that you had to fall THAT low, that whenever you make a post the click-thru link is made default to YOUR TUMBLOG (which is where sane people add the link to the SOURCE of the image) and the auto added tag "luxury" as if that was important. I despise you and find you repulsive, trying to get followers by auto adding YOUR personal link automatically, would've shared and recommended to others otherwise. Lame.