Reviews & Comments of Slorum strap-on chrome extension

From December 22nd, 2011 to January 23rd, 2014, 100% user give 5-star rating. for Slorum strap-on chrome extension.

Reviews of slorum strap-on:

Bruce Woodward January 23rd, 2014
Bruce Woodward

Great, but no longer works with the Slorum!

Jeff Heinzelman March 23rd, 2011
Jeff Heinzelman

Seems no not work anymore for redlinks? Works fine for SFW images....arghhhhhghh

Dr B December 22nd, 2011
Dr B

My only complaint is that when you open the forums, instead of sticking at your current post, your window scrolls all the way up to the first picture on the page and you have to scroll back down and find your place. Considering all the displayed images are NSFW, that's not really a bad thing, though.