Reviews & Comments of Recoilize chrome extension

From July 27th, 2020 to April 12th, 2021, 80% user give 5-star rating, 20% user give 3-star rating. for Recoilize chrome extension.

Reviews of recoilize:

Oliver Anteros April 12th, 2021
Oliver Anteros

When it works, it's amazing. WHEN it works. So far I've used in in 4 different projects, it only worked in 1 on them. In the rest it threw cryptic error messages.

Jane Park October 21st, 2020
Jane Park

Amazing! I recommended this application all my software engineering colleagues!

Hien Nguyen September 3rd, 2020
Hien Nguyen

Wow, it's really snappy and I love time travel debugging. Will be using this in the future

Kevin Fey September 3rd, 2020
Kevin Fey

Great application! Makes working with Recoil Apps a much easier! The time travel and visualization features make it a breeze to track state through the history of your Recoil application.

bob joe July 27th, 2020
bob joe

Fantastic! Has both text and visualizations to show me my current atoms, selectors, and their relationships both to each other and to the components within my application. Even has time-travel just like the Redux dev tools!