Reviews & Comments of Filter Anything Everywhere chrome extension

From November 18th, 2017 to February 18th, 2023, 89% user give 5-star rating, 5% user give 4-star rating, 5% user give 1-star rating. for Filter Anything Everywhere chrome extension.

Reviews of filter anything everywhere:

Iva Ivanova February 18th, 2023
Iva Ivanova

im using this extension mainly for twitter and it is really doing a fantastic job. muting words on twitter doesn't do anything, but this extension helped me completely mute words that annoy me, now it's impossible for me to see tweets that contain those words even if i search for them. it is amazing!!

WoodleDoodle January 18th, 2023

It's amazing. One really big issue though is that if you refresh a page with filtered images and then click the x before everything loads it can bypass the extension and keep the filtered images. Is there a way this could be fixed because if so this would fix a whole lot of issues i've been going through.

Immaterial Immaterial January 9th, 2023
Immaterial Immaterial

Great addon! Please start a Patreon so we can support you, also a similar addon for firefox would be appreciated. Thanks!

Simas Castillo December 25th, 2022
Simas Castillo

This extension is an absolute godsend. I'm using it as a custom content filter for my niece instead of relying on overly simple safe search or other similar paid options. I cannot recommend it enough. If you are using it in the same way don't forget to either lock your extensions down or hide them entirely to prevent tampering since there is no password option.

Jonathan Parle December 15th, 2022
Jonathan Parle

Has saved my sanity and body hydration levels by obliterating completely from the web anything at all related to Harry, Meghan and Greta.

Axel Lee Jordan December 9th, 2022
Axel Lee Jordan

Thank you for this beyond useful extension!!! Just what I needed!

Mike Porter October 28th, 2022
Mike Porter

helps make reddit usable

Michael Ty February 5th, 2022
Michael Ty

This is exactly what I was looking for. I wanted to block any articles about the Olympics (because of the genocide) and this blocker fully removes the thumbnail along with the word.

Matt Chen November 11th, 2021
Matt Chen

It does what it says, exactly what I wanted.

NashmiGamer October 17th, 2021

One of the best youtube extensions I have ever used.

j b April 25th, 2021
j b

Simple but effective. Just drop in anything you don't wanna see.

amrin January 1st, 2021

thanks for saving my day may allah bless you guys. love ya

RGTube January 19th, 2020

12 months ago: This is the extract thing I needed. I was looking for something very specific on YouTube and had to blacklist many YouTube channels to find the right video. I do however want like to suggest a hard-reset button to remove all blacklisted words Today: There was an unknown update that disallowed me from filtering videos on YouTube and Twitch. This means I can't find the content I am looking for. This is a huge issue for me since this was the main reason I used this program. It helped me filter things on streaming platforms at much faster rates; it no longer does this.

Fritt Fallande November 6th, 2020
Fritt Fallande

i use it to block news websites that ask for money

Mari September 30th, 2020

amazing, perfect, just what i was looking for. thank you so so so so much.

Joseph Mouawad September 5th, 2020
Joseph Mouawad

This is a great tool. Thank you for creating it. I was wondering what the limit of words or phrases this extension can support? Thank you again.

Douglas Wardle July 30th, 2019
Douglas Wardle

This is a great extension. Exactly what I was looking for.

Sheldon Hull December 21st, 2017
Sheldon Hull

So far it is the only filter that worked in removing offensive youtube comment keyboards. Great job

Hayden Taylor November 18th, 2017
Hayden Taylor

Great extension! Although, I want to recommend a whitelist that cancels out the blacklist. Also tracking for all caps.