Reviews & Comments of Typed chrome extension

From June 22nd, 2021 to June 2nd, 2022, 100% user give 5-star rating. for Typed chrome extension.

Reviews of typed:

William Gadsby Peet June 2nd, 2022
William Gadsby Peet

I am the chief strategy officer at a content and digital marketing agency. We've been using Typed for the last 6 months to do research, collaborate on strategy, and organise knowledge. It's been a Godsend for productivity, and this extension for clipping digital resources has made things even more streamlined. 10/10 would recommend!

교육학과/최현정 May 2nd, 2022

(업데이트 이후 기준) 진짜 빠르네요 현존하는 익스텐션중에 제일 빠를듯...

Taewoong Seo April 24th, 2022
Taewoong Seo

probably the fastest web clipper i've ever seen.

교육학과/황하운 April 24th, 2022

와..이렇게 빨라도 되는건가요?? 업데이트 되고 나서 속도가 미쳤어요! 클릭과 동시에 자료가 저장되는 느낌 매우 안정적이에요ㅎㅎ 원래 자료 조사 하느라 모든 탭을 다 열어두고 레포트 다 쓰기 전까진 노트북 절전모드해두고 다시 켜고 그랬는데 웹 익스텐션 덕분에 이젠 노트북 깔끔하게 끌 수 있어요ㅎㅎ 유튜브, 뉴스 칼럼 등 인터넷 자료 많이 참고하시는 분들은 무조건 강추???

Inchan Yeo April 24th, 2022
Inchan Yeo

다 좋은데 속도만 좀 불편했는데 이번 업데이트로 수집하고 기다릴 필요가 없어져서 너무 행복합니다ㅠㅠㅠ

김수현(경영대학 경영학과) April 24th, 2022
김수현(경영대학 경영학과)

업데이트 되고 나서 진짜 빨라져서 너무 행복해요... 업뎃 전에는 좀 느려도 문서별로 url 저장하는 게 편해서 그냥 썼는데, 이제는 성질 급한 한국인한테 딱 맞는 속도 ^^ 디자인도 더 예뻐지고 그냥 짱입니다~~~! 링크 복붙해서 자료 정리하다가 이거 쓰면 진심 광명 찾으실 거예요.

Minseung Yoo March 11th, 2021
Minseung Yoo

Very cool. Helps saves a TON of time!

Hailey Choi January 19th, 2022
Hailey Choi

LOVE IT! Before using this extension, I created bookmarks endlessly and got my bookmark list really messy even within folders. Now I simply press keyboard shortcut to save the webpage and I can even allocate the webpage to WHICHEVER document(s) I want! SUPER CONVENIENT. I don't even need to clean up outdated bookmarks regularly. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.

John Lee January 19th, 2022
John Lee

TL;DR: You really do get time-efficient It really does save a lot of time when I'm surfing through the web and saving things I like. Since it automatically saves the link in one-click, while it is saving I can look through other websites and continue on. It's keyboard shortcut has a relatively higher barrier, so there is an extremely low chance to accidentally save something you never wanted to save. This is something I can truly respect, as I personally hate having to delete something I never intended to have in the first place. It has its cons, no doubt, but the pros heavily outweigh the cons that you soon forget about it. Greatly recommend it. You don't have to be working on a project or anything, you could even be shopping online and the extension will save the exact link you wanted to save.

Joo Heon Lee January 19th, 2022
Joo Heon Lee

probably my favorite web extension as a grad student doing a lot of research-heavy papers

Juyoung Lee January 19th, 2022
Juyoung Lee

Literally THE SINGLE BEST extension I've ever installed. Proud of myself that I'm using this and yall should be!

Haun Hwang January 19th, 2022
Haun Hwang

웹 익스텐션이라 쓰고 부스터라 읽는다. 이름도 안 보일 정도로 우글우글 많아진 탭들을 Typed 라이브러리에 편하게 담을 수 있다는 거, 언제 꺼질지 모르는 탭들을 이젠 안심하고 다 닫을 수 있다는 거. 이거 두 가지만으로도 삶이 윤택해졌습니다 감사합니다!

Jeongwoo Ha January 19th, 2022
Jeongwoo Ha

Love it! Keyboard shortcut is actually very useful and easy to use.

Taehoon Park June 22nd, 2021
Taehoon Park

타입드를 쓰고 문서 작성 효율이 한 3배 정도는 증가한거 같아요!!! 감사합니다 :)