Reviews & Comments of WorkFlowy code formatter chrome extension

From November 17th, 2015 to March 30th, 2021, 83% user give 5-star rating, 17% user give 4-star rating. for WorkFlowy code formatter chrome extension.

Reviews of workflowy code formatter:

Nathan Driver March 30th, 2021
Nathan Driver

This is an absolute godsend to me! I couldn't get the three backtick code snippets working, but the single backtick shortcut is helping me a lot.

Cameron Pak September 3rd, 2020
Cameron Pak

Really, really enjoying this. Pros: • Simple, one-click install. • Formats and distinguishes code from standard text. • Code format is similar to .md Cons: (Not big deal items, but worth noting. This extension is great!) • I unfortunately can't see or read well my code with an opacity of 0.3. If that could be moved up a little bit, that'd be amazing! Reply to this, and I'll even submit the PR. • I don't see colored syntax highlighting in my experience. Given, I am using JS. If there isn't colored syntax highlighting anymore after the update, can we update the description of this extension?

Good Wish June 16th, 2019
Good Wish

Excellent job! Can you add Scala syntax highlight?

Travis Pantin October 17th, 2018
Travis Pantin

Note that it does not work if you are signed up to use

bao toan toan nguyen August 23rd, 2018
bao toan toan nguyen


Maciek Chmura June 14th, 2018
Maciek Chmura

just what I needed, Thanks :D

Bruno Leonardo Michels January 12th, 2018
Bruno Leonardo Michels

Awesome! Could be better if we had a option for a dark theme

khing blue April 5th, 2017
khing blue

Will be perfect if it supports Workflowy's Chrome App, which I'm using most of the time.

Rob Cherny September 22nd, 2016
Rob Cherny

Pretty nice. Quick too. I added a stylish user style sheet with the following: code.prettyprint span.pun { display:none } [contenteditable]:focus code.prettyprint span.pun { display:inline } This way the back-ticks in a note (except the triple tick) are hidden until you focus on that node.

Scott Olson January 20th, 2016
Scott Olson

This extension works great and the developer is very responsive.

Terris Linenbach November 18th, 2015
Terris Linenbach

Post code to Workflowy so you can find it again. It's easy to use - anything between backticks (`) is syntax highlighted. You will appreciate this tip to post a multi-line snippet. First, copy the code to the clipboard. In Workflowy, hover over a circle, choose Add Note. Type two backticks and then hit the left arrow once. In other words, put the caret between the backticks. Then paste.

Corri Blair November 17th, 2015
Corri Blair

Super clean and simple. Works great, and helps keep things organized.