Reviews & Comments of Channel Block List for Youtube chrome extension

From November 21st, 2021 to March 17th, 2023, 78% user give 5-star rating, 11% user give 4-star rating, 11% user give 1-star rating. for Channel Block List for Youtube chrome extension.

Reviews of channel block list for youtube:

Aditya Karumampoyil March 17th, 2023
Aditya Karumampoyil

Really amazing app pleae dont stop adding improvements keep up the great work

Chaim Honikman March 9th, 2023
Chaim Honikman

Thank you so much for this extension. I love it. I used to be addicted to watching YouTube a lot, but now this extension helps me with my problem. It is so genius and should have more downloads and reviews.

Situ Nirwan February 21st, 2023
Situ Nirwan

its very help full thank you

Kaine Dube December 4th, 2022
Kaine Dube

this addon is not working for my chrome browser can you please look into this issue the issue is that it will not hide blocked videos from my search results or shorts from my list like what your app is suppose to do.

Jonathon Fowkes November 28th, 2022
Jonathon Fowkes

app is just what i needed, thanks a lot for bringing it into existence. One problem i've ran into is it won't recognize/add a channel i'm trying to white list: I've only run into this issue once, but i'd love the app even better if I could white list it.

Tibor Korpos September 24th, 2022
Tibor Korpos

This extension has great potential with some improvements. It is it has a simple functionality but that's exactly what I need, for example other, more popular extensions seem to lack whitelisting which this one has. Few notes: - It doesn't work on the youtube mobile site. Thus you can easily bypass the extension just by navigating to even if you're on desktop. And of course it doesn't work at all in a mobile browser which otherwise can run the extension. Suggestion: make the extension compatible with the mobile site as well. - It was a bit confusing to me what the "channel name" meant that you can enter manually to black/whitelist a channel. It is the actual text name of the channel not the ID in the URL. I would suggest clarifying that in your help text with an example. - It would be nice to be able to add channel ids manually, not just with the button on the channel page. This is because the button doesn't work in the Kiwi browser (in itself that's not a big deal, that's a niche case).

Vinay Awachar July 16th, 2022
Vinay Awachar

This is the finest distracting youtube channel blocker extension I've tried yet ,and I will never leave it . I have whitelisted only 2 educational channels on youtube , and hence all others channels are blocked . Its so benefiting !!! I loved it :)

Henry Ozolins March 14th, 2022
Henry Ozolins

Works great! Thank you for this, and thanks for keeping it updated, you're real cool!

David Schwartz November 21st, 2021
David Schwartz

Good interface and does the job