Reviews & Comments of Throttle chrome extension

From November 14th, 2017 to October 13th, 2020, 67% user give 5-star rating, 33% user give 3-star rating. for Throttle chrome extension.

Reviews of throttle:

Jason Brown October 13th, 2020
Jason Brown

Desperately needs and update. The "extension button" in the top right corner works fine, but the add-ons in the form fill fields don't work at all. It either says "oops, you're not logged in" or it just does nothing at all.

A Google User November 15th, 2017
A Google User

Throttle is a terrific extension for a terrific service. I pay $100 a year to have an unlimited number of unique email addresses that I can use anywhere and everywhere. That way if a website gets hacked only one unique email address is compromised and my `real` email address is never sold.

Totok Denmase November 14th, 2017
Totok Denmase

Cool, and very helping..