Reviews & Comments of Engagement Monster chrome extension

From November 21st, 2020 to November 26th, 2022, 71% user give 5-star rating, 19% user give 4-star rating, 5% user give 2-star rating, 5% user give 1-star rating. for Engagement Monster chrome extension.

Reviews of engagement monster:

Campbell Scott November 26th, 2022
Campbell Scott

Definitely increases engagement but make sure you set the timing to 30 -45 sec and run it every other day, because it it runs on steroids'.

Adrian Ayala May 13th, 2022
Adrian Ayala

Surprised, Not Surprised at how well this extension worked. Kudos!

Sales Manager June 4th, 2021
Sales Manager

One of the most epic extensions I use on a daily bases. Since starting using this software daily I have made more money daily. Can't say the software is making me money but I've been making more money everyday since starting using it so I'm not going to stop.

Rajan Azhagu May 25th, 2021
Rajan Azhagu

It does what it says, boost the engagement that you have with the friends that you have in FB on auto pilot.


engagement is the name of the game, dominate live feeds with your face and interactions to get noticed

Misty Dowling May 19th, 2021
Misty Dowling

Fantastic tool! It really does what it says and saves my hours every week where I used to do this manually.

Renee Shannon May 18th, 2021
Renee Shannon

Great Chrome Extension for automating engagement, react and engage with a single click. Engagement Monster will boost your engagement from your friends posts and and also leave reactions on their post as well. Get more attention for your posts from your friends. Thanks Tier5

Vince Cicone May 17th, 2021
Vince Cicone

Excellent way to automate getting more engagement. no reason not to use it!

Sathish Krishna (Lifestyle Entrepreneur) May 5th, 2021
Sathish Krishna (Lifestyle Entrepreneur)

I like this extension it does make engagement automatic I even did a video review of this extension in action. It automatically engaged with one of my favorite public figure who I follow and got a response from him.

David McKinney March 12th, 2021
David McKinney

Great extension, and great service from the company. It's fun to watch the automations that Engagement Monster does.

Lovetta Kee March 2nd, 2021
Lovetta Kee

Don't download this product!! I thought it would be a good idea and I was wrong, it doesn't work as described. I actually lost engagement as a result of using this product. I sent in a support ticket to cancel because there was no guides on how to cancel to receive a refund. They make it very difficult to cancel and they refuse to refund. I didn't even use it for a full month, but they continued to charge me. They are a scam! Do yourself a favor and AVOID! There are better products with good, honorable companies, this is NOT one of them. AVOID ALL TIER 5 products!

Jacqueline Jarvis February 12th, 2021
Jacqueline Jarvis

Sometimes it worked, sometimes it didn't and I had to keep refreshing. I took it off chrome and they are still charging me. I wrote to them 3 times and not one person got back to me to assure me they canceling the charge. Not so happy.

Casie Ley January 8th, 2021
Casie Ley

Hi, it won't allow me to register to use it from the Chrome download. Any advice?

Nene Micah December 15th, 2020
Nene Micah

Before I started using this tool, I usually spent 1-2hrs engaging on people's post since I started using this post I spend less time engaging and yet my post still gets lots of engagement. The best part, the comments are on point.

Henry Carey December 7th, 2020
Henry Carey

Excellent tool that I use daily to increase my sales using more engagement that is automatic.

Joe Kuskie November 25th, 2020
Joe Kuskie

Another Awesome Tier5 Software. I use this software and it is engaging on my friends posts everyday for me. I can't keep up on all these post everyday so I let the Monster do it for me.

M J Paparazzo November 24th, 2020
M J Paparazzo

Another quality plugin that does what it says and a solid dev team behind it to keep it working right. Awesome.

Ed Akehurst November 24th, 2020
Ed Akehurst

Fantastic tool. Does what it says - gets more engagement. I have aded this to my social media repertoire of tools I am using, and could not be happier wit the results. Highly recommended!

Justin Muir November 22nd, 2020
Justin Muir

I started using this little Monster a couple of weeks ago, and so far, my engagement has been through the roof. It has commented on people's posts that I had no idea was my friend, and they started commenting back to my post. Such a great tool to get you more exposure on Facebook.

Albert Ruvalcaba November 22nd, 2020
Albert Ruvalcaba

So much Engagement with such a small little monster crawling through my friend's post having them notice and interact with my friends and now they are interacting on content as well!! I never had time to do so much engaging before this. I Love It!

Tanya Tiernan (NothingFancybyTanya Gray) November 21st, 2020
Tanya Tiernan (NothingFancybyTanya Gray)

Was super nervous that this was going to laugh at a sad post or make a sad face on a funny post, but I installed it, activated it and have been watching it for 15 minutes and it is AMAZING!! It is doing what it should! Laugh reacting and commenting when it is a funny post, sad reacting and commenting on sad posts! Highly recommend! "I" am interacting with people I NEVER see on my feed and they are then participating on my posts! THis is GENIUS!