Reviews & Comments of Groove Cloner chrome extension

From February 7th, 2021 to December 24th, 2021, 58% user give 5-star rating, 25% user give 4-star rating, 17% user give 1-star rating. for Groove Cloner chrome extension.

Reviews of groove cloner:

Greg B. December 24th, 2021
Greg B.

Don't understand how I can pay $1,500 for a lifetime deal but don't have access to this chrome extension and can't get help. Horrible

Mohd Jibly October 12th, 2021
Mohd Jibly

This is an excellent app, It is very user friendly and help me with the giving ideas and creating Groove funnels with ease. It saves me so much of time, which otherwise I would need to spend with the to create funnel from scratch. Highly recommended to try this software.

Ed Akehurst May 26th, 2021
Ed Akehurst

Groove has been challenging for me to create pages in. No more! Find it, clone it, edit it, implement it. Easy peasy! Get all the benefits of building pages in Groove without having to deal with the learning curve.

Rajan Azhagu May 25th, 2021
Rajan Azhagu

WOWWW.. what an easy way to copy funnels.. It surely helps to save hours of time if you were to copy the funnel manually.. Use this tools, you'll end up having funnel copy in minutes.. It is very helpful especially when you are stating..

vibhor naryani May 25th, 2021
vibhor naryani

This extension is a life saver, it so helps in getting other funnels into my groovefunnels dashboard, just copy and paste and its done.


Nothing simpler, to snagging a funnel and having your way with it

Misty Dowling May 19th, 2021
Misty Dowling

Brilliant if you're a Groove user! Me not so much but I know that many of my clients will love it and will absolutely recommend it!

Renee Shannon May 18th, 2021
Renee Shannon

Clone any funnel in a second. Groove Cloner allows you to easily copy any Groovefunnels page on the internet in just 2 simple clicks. It lets you know when you're on a Groove Funnels page and in 2 clicks you can copy the page/funnel over to a blank site or page in Groove! Save you time and money! Thanks Tier5

David Anderson May 6th, 2021
David Anderson

Simply put, it works. This tool is simple to use, and as more people start using Grove funnels, it only makes sense to add this to your toolkit

Vince Cicone May 6th, 2021
Vince Cicone

Amazing tool. Saves me a ton of time. It lets me know when I'm on a Groove Funnels page and in 2 clicks I've copied the funnel over to my blank site or page in Groove!

Nishit Dave March 11th, 2021
Nishit Dave

Groove Cloner works exactly as it has been described unless you are terrible at following instructions. Here is how it works: 1. Go to groovefunnel website. 2. Create a free account. 3. Login and go to groove pages / funnels. 4. Click "new site" and open a Blank template and name it. 5. Then go to "blocks", under all blocks, grab a block and move it to empty space. 6. Now login to your Groove Cloner account. 7. Open the competitor page you wish to clone, you will see a message "groove page can be copied". 8. Click copy page on the extension, it will show groove page copied. 9. Go back to your groovefunnel page editor and click on "paste funnel in the editor". 10. Voila your are DONE! It is just that simple! Follow the instructions above and you are sorted!

Andy Hamilton February 7th, 2021
Andy Hamilton

Terrible, another product I have purchased from Tier 5 that does not work. It will not launch. This is now the 4th product I have bought fromTier 5 tht the |Chrome exfension hasn't worked and I have had yo contact support. Also, the support is pretty terrible also. They take a very long time in getting back to you.