Reviews & Comments of Trump Filter chrome extension

From December 31st, 2015 to December 6th, 2020, 28% user give 5-star rating, 9% user give 4-star rating, 11% user give 3-star rating, 9% user give 2-star rating, 43% user give 1-star rating. for Trump Filter chrome extension.

Reviews of trump filter:

Dan Geiger December 6th, 2020
Dan Geiger

Not ready for prime time. Either blocks sites entirely, or lets the dreaded T-word through.

Asha Daryanani September 7th, 2020
Asha Daryanani

It worked really well for a while until I would open specific articles and pages, they would load for a second, and then the screen would go blank. The article has nothing to do with politics, but suggested articles mentioned the name, so the entire page disappeared. I could only open them in incognito mode and then I realized what was going on. The extension "Remove D***** T**** from Facebook" works better for me.

Richard Ennis August 31st, 2020
Richard Ennis

It didn't work at all.

David Wheelen July 13th, 2020
David Wheelen

removes content from whole websites making them unusable and completely blank.

Sarsaparilla Sunset June 29th, 2020
Sarsaparilla Sunset

This extension is perfect for little snowflakes who are easily triggered by anything that violates their flimsy delusional utopian worldview. So instead of engaging on a rational level complex issues and controversial opinions, this wonderful extension allows one to pretend they don't exist. If you have Trump Derangement Syndrome, install this extension for instant relief!

Eben “EbenFrostey” Selker February 16th, 2020
Eben “EbenFrostey” Selker

Simply not good enough, in its current state. Even though i appreciate the care the developer has given in the past, the software available on this page feels badly maintained, and has been for too long. That is all.

Eric Zhang January 8th, 2020
Eric Zhang

useless. blocked out pretty much everything

amrom lebovits December 10th, 2019
amrom lebovits

we have already the fake news

Russell Westerman September 25th, 2019
Russell Westerman

Great for the computer, if I need news I will at the newspaper.

Jillian Andrus September 10th, 2019
Jillian Andrus

Other reviews are correct that it does block out entire news sites, it includes anything related to the upcoming election. Googling candidate names, 2020, or most controversial topics (gun control, abortion, etc.) will block out a lot of results even if they don't mention him. However, it's super easy to toggle back on and off so if you just need a break from politics in general it's easy to flip on and off as needed. I would love it if they could improve it to not block out all articles but it's nice to use for taking small political breaks.

Michael McDowell July 29th, 2019
Michael McDowell

This works very well for me. I had to toggle the filter setting from mild to aggressive and back to mild and reload the page after installation. Otherwise, this makes reading possible for me again! Thank you!

Jonathan Kovacs August 18th, 2018
Jonathan Kovacs

I hate Turmp tired of seeing his ugly smirk and fat face on my computer!

James Allen March 8th, 2018
James Allen

Nice idea, but implementation is too much "hammer" and not enough "scalpel". Blocks entire news sites when all I really want to eliminate is politics from my homepage.

Matthew Floyd January 12th, 2018
Matthew Floyd

The best - truly the very best. covfefe.

Rosie December 6th, 2017

god bless who ever made this

Adam Brown November 6th, 2017
Adam Brown

Seems to be filtering everything even articles I've just read that have no mention of Trump whatsoever.

Jin Eve October 24th, 2017
Jin Eve

There are glithces, but I just love the concept!

Shane Spitzer July 25th, 2017
Shane Spitzer

Was actually too aggressive. Blocked my whole page and EVERY RSS feed, not just ones with references to Trump. Uninstalled.

Josh George July 12th, 2017
Josh George

removed entire web pages such as yahoo, so i can't look at anything, trump related or not...

Pris Tran July 6th, 2017
Pris Tran

It totally blanked out any webpage that might have a hint of Trump on it. It's not practical and needs work. But I'm grateful to not see Trump on my internet anymore.

Craig Fink June 30th, 2017
Craig Fink

Removes too much.

Daniel Aaron Ruth May 1st, 2017
Daniel Aaron Ruth

Not working at all.

DeeAnne Herron April 25th, 2017
DeeAnne Herron

Still seeing Trump Trump Trump news everywhere I look.

Joe Segal April 21st, 2017
Joe Segal

This blanks out the entire page where Trump is mentioned which is not great! wish it could recursively remove his mentions. More so I want something to remove Trump tweets from twitter. Anyone know of anything?

Caroline Harris March 16th, 2017
Caroline Harris

in alignment with other reviwers, i wish it would just take out the 45 content, not the entire page lol. maybe the author should check with the folks who made the 'stop normalizing alt right' extension

Chris Lutka March 3rd, 2017
Chris Lutka

Along with others, I, too, was disappointed to discover that all page contents were removed upon any mention of Trump. If you play a card game using a trump suit, those webpage results were filtered as well. I would rather have paragraphs of text removed than the entire body of the website.

León van de Pavert February 22nd, 2017
León van de Pavert

Disappointingly slows down my already slow PC and only tells me there is a mention of Trump on every page. Duh, I can see he's on every page. Why isn't the (partial) content removed, as the extension promises?

Victor Levin February 15th, 2017
Victor Levin

Doesn't work. Breaks pages. Don't install.

Justin Joyce January 30th, 2017
Justin Joyce

Can't stand that imbecile, glad this plugin exists! Yes it removes the entire page but at least you don't have to even glance at that ridiculous hair and orange tint. It would be nice if you put a notice in place declaring that the plugin has done it's work. But the pros outweigh the cons in my books!

Iris January 28th, 2017

If Donald shows up ANYWHERE on the page, instead of blocking just that instance, it blocks out the whole page. I did a search on doomsday clock and just got a blank page because Donald was mentioned. Would be five stars if it only blocked out that one instance, but it blocks out the whole page. Even on pages where he is mentioned ONCE, it gets blocked out.

michael dye January 28th, 2017
michael dye

Thank you for helping my loved ones retain their sanity by preventing Trump from invading their browsing.

Shannon Dye January 28th, 2017
Shannon Dye

This makes me so happy! #notmypresident #putinspawn

Ted Keith January 28th, 2017
Ted Keith

I really only wanted this for my Facebook feed and it does what I wanted. Some posts still get through but it works better than blood pressure meds for me! If I want to see what the orange baboon is up to I can go to news sites.

Kellie Clifford January 26th, 2017
Kellie Clifford

It worked pretty well on facebook... but as others have stated, it removes entire news site pages which is not very practical. But you are on the right track.. this is a product that people want.. needs some work :) Good luck

Debbie Lewis January 24th, 2017
Debbie Lewis

Blocks whole page

Davide Kruger January 24th, 2017
Davide Kruger


A Google User January 22nd, 2017
A Google User

I don't expect something like this to be perfect, it would be tricky to remove all Trump references correctly. It is such a relief to be rid of most Trump references while browsing. It's made my browsing experience much more pleasant. It is also better than the other Trump filter I tried. Thanks and Kudos to the author!

Bo J January 21st, 2017
Bo J

worked well :)

Leslie Sox January 16th, 2017
Leslie Sox

It works. You can see some articles on mild but aggressive or above blocks much more and a lot of web pages won't load. You'll start to believe that there is no news.

A Google User December 27th, 2016
A Google User

Breaks pages with Trump content. Notably, Google Plus only displays a blank page when this is loaded. Deleted from Chrome. Don't install.

jerryosity December 10th, 2016

Doesn't work. Blanked out my entire Google news page instead of just the Trump headlines. Use Trump Blocker instead.

Stephanie Sutherland November 30th, 2016
Stephanie Sutherland

This needs some serious help. It won't load pages. Someone said to look at Yahoo News. They're right. It's completely blank. This should act as a filter as in you filter out Trump information and leave other things intact. This is like putting a coffee filter in your coffeemaker and the entire grounds going into the pot. It makes it gross and useless.

Todd W November 15th, 2016
Todd W

It is a work in progress but it is a noble project. I unfollowed all news feeds in FB & Twitter just to avoid this subject. I even changed my search engine to DuckDuckGo as Google results are peppered with the American Voldemort. Probably I will have to master RSS feeds with keyword exclusions but what a pain. Do we not have the right to avoid a the "He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named"?? Good luck to the developers!

A Google User November 15th, 2016
A Google User

I was hoping this would let me filter out images of Trump and ajust my settings based on what I want to see. However it is not selective enough and it blanked out entire websites that had a mix of Trump and non-Trump news. Not recommended.

Paulette Traverso November 12th, 2016
Paulette Traverso

great idea. not working. sad.

zeppy13131 November 9th, 2016

I quite looked forward to using this, but it was disappointing. Apparently, whenever "Donald Trump" appears in a webpage, it reloads and blanks out the ENTIRE page. (Try Googling "Yahoo News" and you'll see what I mean... Not even the search results are visible!) That's hardly practical.

Pyrophore November 9th, 2016

Don't waste your time. It blocks entire pages just because the word "Trump" shows up and that is on the "Mild" setting (or any setting for that matter). It seems to depend on the page layout, which is probably the only way it can work, but it blocks way too many news pages for me.

Dekota Jones November 8th, 2016
Dekota Jones

i hate trump

R3V0KE November 8th, 2016

it is bad

Benjamin Lagace October 9th, 2016
Benjamin Lagace

It doesn't seem to be able to filter out posts that mention trump and display the rest. I was loading facebook for example, and i simply could not load the page, because trump filter insisted that there was some mention of trump SOMEWHERE on the entire website. So it's too buggy for my use. If it blocked out just these posts then great! but not the entire website.

Davina Neether October 2nd, 2016
Davina Neether

This works great, but i have had post disappear. I kept getting notifications but could never return, until I turned this off and went back to my original post found the commit where someone mention tRump hide their commit then turn this back on. It also doesn't block meme's that mention tRump, but over all for what it does it is excellent.

Kate Richards August 15th, 2016
Kate Richards

It made my crops flourish, my skin clear, and it pays me $500 a month. 100000/10

Laura Flatow-Eisenhauer May 31st, 2016
Laura Flatow-Eisenhauer

Doesn't work.

Big Smooth June 13th, 2016
Big Smooth

Blocks the whole page.

Aaron Muccino June 11th, 2016
Aaron Muccino

works great for me. It like a breath of fresh air in a gas chamber lately.

Ahmarrion Holland April 13th, 2016
Ahmarrion Holland

he is a mean person

Glenn Dubois April 2nd, 2016
Glenn Dubois

It works, but it filters for words with "trump" in it, such as "trumpet." Even on the mild setting. Being a producer and musician with other musicians and producers on his social media feed, this leads to many frustrations. But, when it comes to things outside of music, it definitely works.

Mohammad Ridwan March 23rd, 2016
Mohammad Ridwan

Very Low Energy. Sad!

Bossi March 22nd, 2016

Blanks out entire pages. This might work for some cases, but renders most sites completely useless.

Evelyn March 19th, 2016

If the word Trump in on any page the whole page shows up as blank. This isn't anything like the Kardashian filter that only removes their names and links to articles about them.

L Woodley March 12th, 2016
L Woodley

I am still seeing this A hole wherever I go. I can't change the filter off off mild. I need extreme filtering!

Kaylah Wilson March 11th, 2016
Kaylah Wilson

Rating high for the idea, but it didn't work for me. I downloaded it specifically for Twitter, but once it registers "Trump" the entire page goes blank. Needs some tuning, but excited about the possibility of a Trump free experience. Do Trump supporters have jobs? Or do they troll these reviews for a living?

Collin Reynolds March 10th, 2016
Collin Reynolds

LOVE! Best App all year. If you could get it to remove pictures containing orange or straw then I wouldn't even have to see the mug!

Lex S March 5th, 2016
Lex S

Good idea, poor execution. Word replacer extension works better instead of blanking a whole page with other content.

Jennifer Schwab March 4th, 2016
Jennifer Schwab

Doesn't work.

EDGAR LOYA March 2nd, 2016

oh thank God this exists. Whatever the outcome, I can have a Trump-free existence.

Liam McGlinn February 29th, 2016
Liam McGlinn

It doesn't work

Mohammed Ali February 26th, 2016
Mohammed Ali

does not work on google plus

Benjamin Jones February 17th, 2016
Benjamin Jones

It just blocked Twitter altogether, awesome work.

data January 31st, 2016

I find that browsing on facebook and youtube it completely blocks the page Please fix this, it's a great idea but it needs fixing

Todd Wright January 21st, 2016
Todd Wright

Unfortunately, it kills my online Bridge playing. There is a Donald in our group. It effectively erases that other Trump, but even set on stun, it is too limiting. 'Twas fun to play with, but cannot see this as a useful ext. for daily driving.

Justin DiMatteo January 21st, 2016
Justin DiMatteo

I've wanted something like this even before he started running for president. Thanks for giving me my sanity back.

Pacific NorthWest January 12th, 2016
Pacific NorthWest

Great idea! but in practice the filter breaks a lot of websites I frequent.

Celeste Vie January 9th, 2016
Celeste Vie

I installed the extension and went to google news to test it. Everything disappeared, not just Trump stories. Everything. Not useful.

Dayar Williams January 7th, 2016
Dayar Williams


Tay January 7th, 2016

i like it i had to uninstall it once to watch some stuff on youtube but no biggie.

Scott & Shona Michel January 5th, 2016
Scott & Shona Michel

thank you so much for this gift google. this should be mandatory for the entire internet.

H. G. January 4th, 2016
H. G.

THANK GOD FOR THIS EXTENSION!!!! To everyone who thinks this is censorship, please look up the definition and get back to me. It's not even close to censorship so don't pull that card on me, it doesn't work I bet they are all trump supports and absolutely HATE this extension. There are a few quirks with this, but hopefully it'll get fixed soon.

najib s January 4th, 2016
najib s

Love it!

S. C. January 2nd, 2016
S. C.

Can't stump the Trump!

Jeremy Thomas January 2nd, 2016
Jeremy Thomas


Francis Merde January 2nd, 2016
Francis Merde

The concept for this tool is straight out of George Orwell's 1984. The Ministry of Truth would be so proud of this developer. The internet is arguably the greatest tool ever devised for the free and open exchange of information. And yet, some people seem to embrace censorship with a glee and abandon that is extremely disconcerting. If you legitimately think a tool like this is a good idea, then you must really be a fan of propaganda. Full disclosure, I do not like either the Obama Administration or the current leadership in the U.S. Congress. However, I would never choose to close my eyes and shut my ears to the goings on of the world around me. The safe-space that some people seem to crave is in actuality only safe from the free market of ideas. Tools like this are a sheer act of intellectual cowardice. No different from a seven year old child sticking their fingers in their ears screaming "I'm not listening" when their elders are trying to tell them something important. And while I'm not a huge fan of Ayn Rand, she did say at least one thing that I agree with. “We can ignore reality, but we cannot ignore the consequences of ignoring reality.” We ignore the world around us at our own peril.

Chris Zhu January 2nd, 2016
Chris Zhu

Facebook page cannot even open after installing this.

Steven Demonnin January 2nd, 2016
Steven Demonnin

It cleans out various web pages that are helpful, like you tube where he does not appear and wont stop him from appearing on face book. And it is impossible to remove once you have it. This is a trojan.

patricia shepard January 1st, 2016
patricia shepard

Thank you for helping to block this Xenophobic Racist Sociopath....

Have Jeep Will Travel January 1st, 2016
Have Jeep Will Travel

I read the support section first so I would know how to control this extension. I love it and love that this is available!!

Asaad Malik January 1st, 2016
Asaad Malik

Amazing Extension. Now I will not see any hate speech on the Internet anymore.

Marilyn Erb January 1st, 2016
Marilyn Erb

I can't use the internet anymore. Even my facebook page was blank! It's too disruptive! Now what to do?!!

Jason Llewellyn January 1st, 2016
Jason Llewellyn

Anything more than a Mild setting, nothing shows up. Come on man! Your filter is filtering EVERY page and kills everything for my viewing pleasure. Fix It!

r r January 1st, 2016
r r

Nice concept, but anything more than Mild shows blank pages.

Boll Ocks January 1st, 2016
Boll Ocks

Best idea I've heard of for a content filter. Obviously doesn't work too well, but 5 stars for the brilliant concept.

Curt Ramey January 1st, 2016
Curt Ramey

it was a nice thought and I had high hopes but it blocked all the content. now I have to figure out how to remove it...

Jason Hanwel January 1st, 2016
Jason Hanwel

I installed this app thinking it would help turn the internet into my own personal safe space. But I often find Trump info still getting through. I'm considering a lawsuit against the developer of this extension to get him to pay for my PTSD.

Sean Draws December 31st, 2015
Sean Draws

I like the idea but it either blocks websites i want to go to or forgets to block ones with trump.

Azrael Ragnorak December 31st, 2015
Azrael Ragnorak

Can't they call it the Stump filter or something? Seeing Trump in my extensions list is triggering me, literally. It's the current year guys come on.

Paula Molina Acosta December 31st, 2015
Paula Molina Acosta

I like it but for some reason I'm having trouble changing it from mild to vindictive. Anyone know how? I keep switching it to vindictive but it switches back

Camden Harper (TheLeadPool) December 31st, 2015
Camden Harper (TheLeadPool)

This is the best thing ever.

Steven Howse December 31st, 2015
Steven Howse

I analyzed this extension and found that it is loaded with tracking scripts and other malicious things. You might install this thinking the joke is on Trump, but really the joke is on you. If something is free, then you just might be the product.

A Google User December 31st, 2015
A Google User

Thank you.

Deep Fleeceheart December 30th, 2015
Deep Fleeceheart

Unfortunately, it doesn't affect Facebook.