Reviews & Comments of Snoozz - Snooze Tabs & Windows for later chrome extension

From July 14th, 2020 to January 18th, 2023, 67% user give 5-star rating, 22% user give 4-star rating, 4% user give 3-star rating, 4% user give 2-star rating, 4% user give 1-star rating. for Snoozz - Snooze Tabs & Windows for later chrome extension.

Reviews of snoozz - snooze tabs & windows for later:

Shane Greenup January 18th, 2023
Shane Greenup

One of the most useful browser plugins there is. I love it. Use it to keep your tabs under control. Use it to keep your focus. Use it as an alarm. It's just awesome.

Public Nomo January 1st, 2023
Public Nomo

this is the third extension that I'm using for snoozing tabs. This is more way better than the previous ones.

Luca Gentile (BikeTravelTheater) November 6th, 2022
Luca Gentile (BikeTravelTheater)

Even though it was updated almost one year ago, it seems to still work fine and to be the best extension for snoozing tabs. Let´s hope!

Károly Máthé October 12th, 2022
Károly Máthé

Thanks Rohan, this extension seems to work. I've given it 4 stars for the nasty message you leave for people who are removing the extension. I've removed it to do a fresh reinstall and had to think twice if I want to add it back again after your message. I know you take things personally since it's your project but try and don't be that bitter.

Orion's Basement and Beyond October 5th, 2022
Orion's Basement and Beyond

Garbage company. It's a scam. This is what the creators of the extension wrote after I removed it: "We're actually not sorry to see you go at all. You got duped ?" Would you trust a company that wrote that to you? I have reported them to Google already. Let's hope they take this extension or whatever it is down.

Ghaith June 18th, 2022

its perfect and super clean UI i just wish there was an option to just simply save it for later without a specific date

Aaron-Nikki Fozzard January 26th, 2022
Aaron-Nikki Fozzard

BEST snoozing extension! I LOVE IT! So much functionality. Thank you thank you!

Martin Saxer September 29th, 2021
Martin Saxer

A nice improvement over the Tab Snooze extension. Looks good, has all the functionality I need, and works great. Thanks Rohan

Rayner Da Cruz January 1st, 2022
Rayner Da Cruz

So it wasn't just me, I see everyone is moving over to Snoozz after Tab Snooze stopped rendering properly. Thank you for putting together this awesome extension!

Tobey McCyberfly December 27th, 2021
Tobey McCyberfly

Looks and works great so far, thank you! Dark theme and hotkeys? Awesome! Let's see what this thing can do. My first review of any extension ever.

Steve Messer December 8th, 2021
Steve Messer

As a few others have noted, I switched to this extension after Tab Snooze stopped rendering, and it appears to have been abandoned. This extension works just as well for snoozing tabs and bringing them back at a specific time. However, the missing capability that would earn it an extra star from me would be the ability to schedule repeating tabs on a "third thursday of the month". Currently you can only specify a numerical day of the month for repeating tabs.

brian jordan October 27th, 2021
brian jordan

Count me as another person who converted after Tab Snooze stopped working. So far, so good.

Kyle Stenson October 20th, 2021
Kyle Stenson

Another person coming from Tab Snooze's broken Extension. I like this extension so far. I do wish there was a minimalist theme without icons, cleaner UI, and more condensed with a smaller pop-out window. I wouldn't mind a more "fun" theme if it allowed customizing the appearance and icons used. Keep it up!

Erika Wesley October 5th, 2021
Erika Wesley

This has everything I want, even repeat/periodic snoozes now! I am replacing Tab Snooze with this after it broke. This looks much nicer and is more customizable (you can have little animals next to the options). Love it!

Kamakshi Shah October 17th, 2021
Kamakshi Shah

This extension has been super helpful for me as a student working on multiple assignments. The cute graphics are a plus ! Great number of options and flexibility.

Ms R October 17th, 2021
Ms R

Replaces Tab Snooze which no longer works. So far it's great, it seems even more feature-rich actually.

David Bolton October 16th, 2021
David Bolton

Replacement for Tab Snooze that is no longer working properly. This one is really good. Would like an option for a "Someday" (3 months), and an audible sound when something is un-snoozed.

Gábor Lippert October 14th, 2021
Gábor Lippert

As many others here, I'm also looking for an alternative of the abandonned Tab Snooze extension - and this one seems to be a perfect replacement. Ther eason why I can't give more than 3 stars is that the Choose Your Own Time function doesn't work with years other than the current one. I've spent 30 mins testing and re-testing a snooze timing set to 2022, and it just doesn't work - the exension always saves the current year. Thanks in advance for fixing this bug - as soon as it works, I'll happily update my review to 5 stars.

Keren Amy Horowitz October 11th, 2021
Keren Amy Horowitz

*HELP, PLEASE!* Hi. I have been using the "TabSnooze" "Google Chrome" Extension seemed, and it helped alot. HOWEVER, as of Monday, October 4, 2021, the "TabSnooze" "Google Chrome" Extension seemed to stop working correctly. The Interface is messed up so you cannot see all of the "TabSnooze" Options that are necessary. I thought that it would fix itself by Tuesday, October 5, 2021, but, it was STILL NOT WORKING correctly - same problem. On Monday, October 4, 2021 AND today on Tuesday, October 5, 2021, I got rid of "TabSnooze" and then Installed it again figuring that would help, BUT - SAME problem. "TabSnooze" helped me quite ALOT, so, I am really bummed about it ceasing to work. On Sunday, October 10, 2021, I needed a working Tab Snooze, so, I Installed the "Google Chrome" Extension called, "Snoozz", which I noticed that "Snoozz" is lacking one MAJOR KEY Feature, and, that is to have Google Chrome Tab's to snooze Repeatedly. Can you PLEASE help me and add a snooze Repeatedly Feature to the "Google Chrome" Extension called, "Snoozz"??PLEASE - can you PLEASE get back to me about this issue AS FAST AS POSSIBLE????

Steve Haynes September 30th, 2021
Steve Haynes

A great replacement for Tab Snooze which recently stopped working. Not quite 5 stars from me as could do with an audible reminder when a tab wakes (as Tab Snooze has). Also, would be nice if the spinner/up/down wheels on the hours/mins were drop downs for quicker setting of custom times?

Hari Prasath September 29th, 2021
Hari Prasath

I was using the more popular Tab Snooze before this, and started looking for an alternative when it started becoming buggy. I found Snoozz and am more than satisfied with it. It's got all the right options, and I like the design.

Brian September 3rd, 2021

Loving this, helps with prioritising/time management and easy to use. However, recently noticed it's super slow for me. Anyone else? It would be great if we could enter timer format too, e.g. remind me in 30h20m. Quick actions are okay for this, but esp given it's running slow, not great. Five stars if the speed issue is resolved. Thx, great work.

Anuj Shah June 27th, 2021
Anuj Shah

Super useful when you want to shut off from work for the day!

Anas Malas June 14th, 2021
Anas Malas

What a perfect extension! Works flawlessly, is extremely well designed, and is just overall awesome. Perfect for scheduling tasks

Anuj Bhagwati May 23rd, 2021
Anuj Bhagwati

This is a very useful extension. I just downloaded it and started using it immediately. It's very useful. I'm already addicted! And I feel very virtuous with my cleaned up browser window!

Yusuf Akbulut May 19th, 2021
Yusuf Akbulut

fully offline and open source. works like a charm.

Urvashi Suraiya July 14th, 2020
Urvashi Suraiya

Really useful! And helps organise tabs so much.