Reviews & Comments of Obsidian Clipper chrome extension

From April 26th, 2021 to November 15th, 2022, 44% user give 5-star rating, 22% user give 4-star rating, 33% user give 1-star rating. for Obsidian Clipper chrome extension.

Reviews of obsidian clipper:

Amin Berrada November 15th, 2022
Amin Berrada

works in Ubuntu 22.04

Jacobo Blanco November 7th, 2022
Jacobo Blanco

Doesn't work on Kubuntu Chrome The "Test configuration" adds a new note, but without any resemblance to my configuration, and trying to add text from any other page simply does nothing

Hüseyin Bıyık September 23rd, 2022
Hüseyin Bıyık

Helped me a lot! Thank you

Daniel Fuller April 9th, 2022
Daniel Fuller

Doesn't work on OSX version of Chrome. When clicking the clipper icon, a dialogue appears that mentions Github and immediately disappears and nothing else happens.

Dandré April 2nd, 2022

I couldn't get this to work at all. I looked at the other suggestions but to no avail. It constantly pops up with a dialog telling me that " wants to open this application." and would disappear after 1 or 2 seconds, mostly not giving me a chance to click on Allow and when I do manage to click it in time, it creates a page with a link but the content only shows a "," and not the actual web content I wanted

Uwe Druckenmueller December 18th, 2021
Uwe Druckenmueller

great extension. Didn't work for me at first due to couple of issue: - I guess I didn't confirm the "save vault and configuration" - I then confirmed with the default "obsidian" vault but my vault is named "Obsidian". - images didn't get clipped until I checked the "Clip html as markdown" option

Scott Bean December 12th, 2021
Scott Bean

This seems to work well, and I like the customization options. I do have a problem with images. It's not clear to me how they are supposed to work. When my selection includes an image, the image does not appear in Obsidian. There is just a placeholder for the image. How can I get it to activate the image link or ideally download & show the image?

Aaron Waldman December 8th, 2021
Aaron Waldman

This is güd.

Trey Moore April 26th, 2021
Trey Moore

I am looking into migrating from OneNote to Obsidian, and needed something similar to the OneNote webclipper. This extension works perfectly for copy/pasting web text into Obsidian along with the URL of the source text.