Reviews & Comments of Bandcamp New Tab chrome extension

From March 13th, 2016 to September 5th, 2022, 33% user give 5-star rating, 33% user give 3-star rating, 33% user give 2-star rating. for Bandcamp New Tab chrome extension.

Reviews of bandcamp new tab:

Anil Natha September 5th, 2022
Anil Natha

My time on is spent either looking for new music, or listening to my collection. This extension doesn't help me find new music because I'm unable to customize the genres that the recommendations are based on. So a majority of the recommendations aren't helpful. In addition, it would be really cool if a user's collection could be injected into the tab so if someone wants to play music from their collection, all they need to do is open a tab.

Kellen Nicholson April 30th, 2018
Kellen Nicholson

While I appreciate being able to find new music, why is it always total and utter crap? I'm not too picky with music, but in 500 tabs, I expect something decent. I highly recommend adding a function where you can input what genres you enjoy, and get recommendations based on that. Until then, I will stick with YouTube.

A Google User March 13th, 2016
A Google User

Amazing. Since rdio shut down I was looking for a new way to discover music. This is great, only negative is I most times forget why I opened a new tab.