Reviews & Comments of GitHub Release Downloads chrome extension

From August 12th, 2018 to March 11th, 2023, 67% user give 5-star rating, 33% user give 1-star rating. for GitHub Release Downloads chrome extension.

Reviews of github release downloads:

Wade Murdock March 11th, 2023
Wade Murdock

It....doesn't work? I went on the "Releases" page of multiple projects and nothing showed up. There was ONE SINGLE TIME where a "9" appeared, waaaay off to the right of the name of the package. Then a down arrow waaaay off to the right of *THAT*. Then I refreshed again, and both the 9 and the arrow disappeared, back to displaying nothing. Weird. It doesn't work in Incognito mode, either. Well. Sometimes it does. If I refresh on a Releases page and get lucky, just like in normal browser mode. Overall, it's super buggy to the point where it usually just doesn't do anything. Windows 11 Chrome Version 111.0.5563.64 (Official Build) (64-bit)

Zedroid January 6th, 2023

Please add kiwi browser chromium for android support

Christopher Esposito August 12th, 2018
Christopher Esposito

Does one thing and does it well. Thanks. :)