Reviews & Comments of Signal Spam chrome extension

From July 10th, 2019 to February 26th, 2021, 50% user give 2-star rating, 50% user give 1-star rating. for Signal Spam chrome extension.

Reviews of signal spam:

Gilles February 26th, 2021

Abandonnée ? Ne fonctionne plus sur Chrome 88, ni sur Thunderbird 68 et 78, ni sur Firefox 86 et 86

Enguerrand Dumont February 5th, 2021
Enguerrand Dumont

L'extension n'était déjà un monument d'ergonomie, mais désormais impossible de transmettre tous les spams en un seul lot... Il faut ouvrir chaque spam, puis cliquer sur transmettre, mettre à la poubelle, recommencer... Même si c'est tout à fait possible que ce soucis ne provient pas de l'extension elle-même, comme je n'ai pas l'impression qu'elle soit régulièrement mise à jour, pas sûr que l'on ait un correctif prochainement. Ajoutez à cela des fautes dans les messages ("tranmsis"), cela ne fait pas sérieux-sérieux... J'espère au moins que nos signalements ont un impact ; ce que je remarque, c'est que, de mois en mois, j'ai toujours plus de spams !...

Boris Belloc February 4th, 2021
Boris Belloc

It's no more working and no fix, no answer from the developer

Pete M. July 10th, 2019
Pete M.

I ran this extension for several months. I had high hopes for it, but alas, I was sorely disappointed. First, this is a French extension. They have one web page that is translated to English, but if you ever require support (as I did, several times when it stopped working) you must either know French, or translate blocks of text manually. Web page translation services break the ability to submit support requests. Much more importantly, the amount of spam that I received INCREASED. Not just a little bit, either. I went from a handful of spam messages each day, to easily several dozen a day. Also, the kind of spam changed. I suddenly began to receive spam with a lot of formatting, and also a lot of foreign language spam, primarily French and Spanish. I stopped reporting spam through the extension a few days ago, and the decrease in the amount of spam I am getting is already noticeable. I'm going to have to assume that the extension and the spam are directly related. I suggest you avoid this extension.