Manifest files of JSON to Java object chrome extension

JSON to Java object chrome extension

Check all manifest files of JSON to Java object chrome extension here, We have collected 1 available versions of JSON to Java object here. The latest version is 1.5.2, and just updated 2277 days ago.

Available manifest files of JSON to Java object

Manifest File: {"name":"JSON to Java object","version":"1.5.2","short_name":"JSONToJava","update_url":"https:\/\/\/service\/update2\/crx","description":"This extension allows you to turn a JSON into a POJO so you can use it as a JSON response holder or whatever you desire","permissions":["storage"],"browser_action":{"default_icon":"icon.png","default_popup":"popup.html"},"manifest_version":2,"content_security_policy":"script-src 'self' 'unsafe-eval'; object-src 'self'"}

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