Reviews & Comments of SoundFilter chrome extension

From April 6th, 2018 to November 10th, 2020, 50% user give 5-star rating, 25% user give 2-star rating, 25% user give 1-star rating. for SoundFilter chrome extension.

Reviews of soundfilter:

Andrey Andreev November 10th, 2020
Andrey Andreev

Playlist still contain reposts.

Benjamin Byriel August 9th, 2020
Benjamin Byriel

It only visually hides reposts from your stream... put the resposts still play!

Adam Kim April 8th, 2018
Adam Kim

I thought it removed the reposts that you have reposted, so if you were an artist, it would clean up your page. But I found out it removes the reposts in the browsing mode of soundcloud and I still love it so much. I get to see what the artists i follow are making and creating, rather than other people.

Brian April 6th, 2018

I like it. But I wrote it so I might be biased. MAYYBBBEEEE.