Dhampir chrome extension

Version: 1.0
This extension allows for pop-up, customizable searches of Monster's resume database.
0.00 Based on 0 user rates

What is Dhampir?

Dhampir is a productivity chrome extension. it's a free extension , it has 22 active users since released its first version, it earns an average rating of 0.00 from 0 rated user, last update is 3768 days ago.

What’s new in version 1.0?

                ** You must have a valid Monster.com account to use this extension **

This extension can be used to generate full customization in your Monster.com searches. No matter what webpage you are on, you can instantly fill out a search query for Monster's database. The query will open in a new tab.

Advantages over Monster's regular interface: 
1) No character limit for your Boolean string
2) Custom radius ranges
3) Custom date ranges

I tried to catch all of the bugs before release, but please don't hesitate to submit any suggestions/problems you run into. Remember, I am one (inexperienced) person so I might not be able to fix things right away. 

Currently, Chrome does not support popups remaining open. It would be awesome, but can't be done right now. 

Potential Future Endeavors:
- Add a "Recent Job Title"/"Target Job Title" switch
- Add functionality to save entry text upon reopening the popup
- Add a "Save Search" option for repeated/continued search capability


Explanation of Permissions:

The only permission this extension needs is Tabs. This allows it to create a new tab for you. This is the only feature of the Tabs permission it uses; it does not access your history, etc.

Explanation of Donations:

I put a donations button in case anyone feels like they want to tip me! It's not required, I purposefully wanted the extension to be free. PayPal no longer allows "donations" in a broad sense, so the page it takes you to is a purchase page. Enter the amount and update the cart to throw me some coin! Donating also reduces the chance of shark attacks in the workplace. 

Special Thanks:

Eric Jaquith - for teaching me awesome sourcing tricks that I ultimately implemented into this extension!
Glen Cathey - for training me and introducing me to the sourcing community! 

Code Academy (www.codeacademy.com) - Free lessons on various coding languages
W3 Schools (www.w3schools.com) - Free lookups for code
Stack Overflow (www.stackoverflow.com) - Amazing advice and Q&A
jsfiddle (www.jsfiddle.com) - HTML/CSS/Javascript environment live on the web
CoolText (www.cooltext.com) - Because everyone likes cool font/color combinations for free!            

How to install Dhampir?

You could download the latest version crx file or older version files and install it.

Preview of Dhampir

Technical Features:

  • Latest Version: 1.0
  • Requirements: Windows Chrome, Mac Chrome
  • License: Free
  • Latest update: Wednesday, January 15th, 2014
  • Author: Sean Collins

Dhampir Available languages:
