Reviews & Comments of Gun = Murder Weapon chrome extension

From October 28th, 2015 to August 26th, 2022, 20% user give 5-star rating, 7% user give 4-star rating, 7% user give 3-star rating, 67% user give 1-star rating. for Gun = Murder Weapon chrome extension.

Reviews of gun = murder weapon:

Heart attack August 26th, 2022
Heart attack

its hilarious makes me wanna buy more guns for candy asses like you (: :0

trippy June 20th, 2019

it does what it says, murder weapon = murder weapon

A Google User February 1st, 2018
A Google User

doesn't work

J R October 11th, 2017

hate it, it's stupid and i want to take it off

Jordan Fire Star July 24th, 2017
Jordan Fire Star

Horrible app, don't get it.

The Spare Channel April 30th, 2017
The Spare Channel

I thought this was kinda cool! I just used it as a joke, but it's surprising that it actually works relatively well. As a serious thing, no, but as a cheap laugh for someone with a dark sense of humour, sure!

Alex Karlov (Mrsmadtiger) April 4th, 2017
Alex Karlov (Mrsmadtiger)

Guns can eb used badly, but without them WE WOULD BE IN CHAOS. Imagine ww2 without guns. Seems weird, doesn't it? Also everything can be used as a murder weapon, even water and our own bodys. If "full peace" existed that would mean we would just be floating around doing nothiong but breathing, blinking, looking, and sleeping.

Matthew Scott February 9th, 2017
Matthew Scott

Doesn't work

Clint Nelson December 27th, 2016
Clint Nelson

If it wasn't for guns the author of of this extension would be cleaning Hitlers bedpan instead of creating false rumors on the internet.

Jackson Willing September 17th, 2016
Jackson Willing

I have to disagree...

Finnagus Peterson June 18th, 2016
Finnagus Peterson


Somewhat Sarcastic Sticker March 23rd, 2016
Somewhat Sarcastic Sticker

Guns don't kill people. Bullets do. Really, i have to agree with Leaf xSpots, because without guns the world would be in chaos. Imagine this timeline without guns. Everything, total pandemonium. But some guns are murder weapons, so both teams are true.

Gabriel Nelson January 25th, 2016
Gabriel Nelson

it doesnt even work

Matthew Schaffner November 14th, 2015
Matthew Schaffner

Guns aren't "Bad" they are supposed to be used by Militaries, Police, and other civil organizations, Criminals, murderers, and people that cause harm to others are the ones who are using guns incorrectly the media labels guns as bad but who uses them to make a bad reputation for guns? Criminals. All you anti gun liberals are wrong, people use them in the wrong way, really wrong. Murdering and harming thats all they do, but its not the guns fault they are supposed to be used to protect, not harm innocent people.

Cirro7 October 28th, 2015

guns are bad.i like this extension.and it actually works.