Reviews & Comments of Privacy Redirect chrome extension

From September 25th, 2019 to January 3rd, 2023, 65% user give 5-star rating, 10% user give 4-star rating, 5% user give 2-star rating, 20% user give 1-star rating. for Privacy Redirect chrome extension.

Reviews of privacy redirect:

Nikronic January 3rd, 2023

Easiest day of my life since I integrated this in my daily workflow. why? First you get what you are looking for, no boilerplate, no redundant UI and so on. On top of that, it has a very smooth workflow that you don't even notice it. Remark: Instances are independent of this extension, so please check the corresponding pages (usually on GitHub) for up-to-date instances. Note that instances are built by the community, so please consider donating! (e.g. you can find Invidious -- youtube alternate -- instances here )

Void December 6th, 2022

Good shiz

Taehl May 25th, 2022

Great idea, poor execution. Doesn't always redirect like it should, and when it does, most of the alternative sites are down or have no results. No point in using an extension that only breaks things.

Existential Navigator (Vedexent) April 26th, 2022
Existential Navigator (Vedexent)

BROKEN AND ABANDONED Sorry - this extension MIGHT have worked well, close to an update ( which has now not occurred in over 8 months ), but it seems to fall apart rapidly. Why? Because services like Invidious and Nitter work off volunteer hosted instances, which appear and are added to the server pool, go down temporarily, or disappear entirely. This is why both services maintain instances lists, so you can see what servers are available, and how well they're working, in real time. That list is fluid. From the behavior of this extension, I'm guessing that the author captured an instance list at some point in the past, and the extension now randomly forwards you to one of those off a hard-coded list. Problem is, that list is out of date, and now - more often than not - the extension is trying to forward you to a no-longer-running server instance for Invidious or Nitter. If I keep hammering on the link, I'll EVENTUALLY randomly get forwarded to a server that still exists - but it's a royal PITA, since I'm guesstimating that >50% of the forward attempts are aimed at defunct servers. The basic idea is a good one - but the implementation is flawed, at best. Perhaps if the extension had been built to pull the list of healthy active instances periodically, and store it locally, it would work reasonably well - but right now, its list of servers is pretty broken, and the author's comment in the reviews WRT to redirections to dead instances is "can't be helped!". This is 80% of an extension, which the author slapped a donate button on top of. If you hunt around for the GitHub repo it hasn't been updated in forever, and there are an impressive number of unresolved issues including "Is this project still maintained?". It looks like the developer has abandoned the project to the point where they're not even managing pull requests, much less working on the code themselves, ( although their Donate $$$ To Me links are all pristine, of course ). DO NOT USE.

Vuk Milicevic April 5th, 2022
Vuk Milicevic

5 out of 5, because... The best there is, and yet to be better. Thank you.

Sophie (They Them) March 29th, 2022
Sophie (They Them)

Wonderful extension! It's simple to use and it helps me to use other links and embeds versus the default YouTube player! 10/10 highly recommend for anyone who wants a more custom experience.

Andre March 2nd, 2022

Unfortunately doesn't work anymore, neither most of the opensource mirrors this app links to like for twitter and instagram are not valid, so this addon does nothing but break things.

TheUpsideDownWorld November 9th, 2021

Amazin. Would be even cooler if it had an option to redirect youtube to odysee/lbry like this app, that way I have less extensions installed. Either way cool extension

Paul Edward September 29th, 2021
Paul Edward

possibly my new favorite extension. I had a hodgepodge of scripts that were doing a barely passable job of executing what this seems to do flawlessly. Kudos Dev, thanks for a killer extension and improving my browsing experience. Question for Simon Brazell (or anyone else for that matter): Do you know if the frontend can be used in tandem with Wikiless? Because if so, that would be like having one's cake and eating it, too... which is how I prefer my cake. Thanks again!

Phillip Li September 1st, 2021
Phillip Li

works great for my purposes-- reddit and google search engine redirects.

Liam Davis March 25th, 2021
Liam Davis

Stellar, just what I was looking for. Works great so far.

Amus3d Wr3kg March 13th, 2021
Amus3d Wr3kg

not maintained -- old code. UNINSTALL THIS IMMEDIATELY received an error that with Invidious I had experienced a bug and to open a ticket with the github project. I did, was told it that the code was incredibly old and they had nothing to do with this extension. Devs that do not maintain their code leaves your browsers vulnerable to malware. DO NOT USE THIS.

R no February 22nd, 2021
R no

Just installed it. Great idea! 502 bad gateway on instagram. Twitter a little funky, bad tbh twitter is thrash. Really lonking forward for a Linkedin and Quora frontend! Thank you!

Scheff Ki February 5th, 2021
Scheff Ki

Adding "Open link using Privacy Redirect" in the context menu of the browsers secondary mouseclick (on hyperlinks) would be very useful. Maybe as an optional feature in the addons preferences. For people who haven't activated the addon generally/globally. I hope this sounds reasonable for the developers, too. Thank you in advance. I like this addon very much, appreciate your work. =)

Douglas Lang September 29th, 2020
Douglas Lang

Invidious: "The media could not be loaded, either because the server or network failed, or because the format is not supported" on Chrome current (85). Okay, so then why am I then being presented with so many video links that "fail to load"? I dId everything possible to make this app function including GitLab's uMatrix workaround. UNINSTALLED!!

Daniel Osborn September 4th, 2020
Daniel Osborn

Very useful! Thank you to the DEVs

Andrea Magini August 31st, 2020
Andrea Magini

Ottima estensione, consigliata.

Keith Bruggemann August 1st, 2020
Keith Bruggemann

Works for everything except twitter. Can't get nitter to come up in place of any twitter URL

Kevin O'Lean March 13th, 2020
Kevin O'Lean

Love it! but hey dev can you make an option to redirect youtube to invidious works ONLY on embed video? thats would be more convenient!

Corinne Neville September 25th, 2019
Corinne Neville

Best extension!