Reviews & Comments of YouTube Rotten Tomatoes chrome extension

From November 22nd, 2015 to September 22nd, 2020, 78% user give 5-star rating, 22% user give 3-star rating. for YouTube Rotten Tomatoes chrome extension.

Reviews of youtube rotten tomatoes:

connectgmail September 22nd, 2020

Looks like a wonderful extension but can not get it to work on my chrome book. Help! Thanks so much! Kim

Derek Bytheway January 31st, 2018
Derek Bytheway

Doesn't work with the new material design.

dashi dorzho February 16th, 2017
dashi dorzho

dam. how long has this been around? actually dont answer that. im just thinking of all the times ive watched a youtube trailer and then had to copy name, open a new tab, type in rotten tomatoes, paste the name etc etc. im so glad i found this now and thanks very much for making it.

Antonio Brieva January 15th, 2016
Antonio Brieva

My god this man is talented.

Matt Duffy January 12th, 2016
Matt Duffy

I wanted to watch a movie one time so I got YouTube Rotten Tomatoes. I loved the movie and it is 110% because of this beautiful chrome extension. If you don't download this you are an uneducated alien.

Ian Forbes December 16th, 2015
Ian Forbes

I may or may not be the father of the developer...

Ian Fraser November 28th, 2015
Ian Fraser

I love to watch movies as much as I can with my two daughters, but the hardest part about it is that the two are always arguing over which movie we should watch on a given night! It was a nightmare. However, thanks to this ingenious chrome extension, the arguments have stopped. We all pick a movie candidate, watch the trailers of the 3 movies, and let rotten tomatoes lend a helping hand to the decision making process. As good as some trailers might look, It doesn't always translate to a good quality film. 5 out of 5 stars. Thank you Jack Forbes.

Evgenii Gorchakov November 22nd, 2015
Evgenii Gorchakov

With so many utterly terrible movies coming out these days, this is a real life and time saver.

Jack Forbes November 22nd, 2015
Jack Forbes

My totally non-biased review! I put quite a bit more work into this than I expected so I hope y'all like it :)