Reviews & Comments of Oasis Wallet chrome extension

From September 22nd, 2021 to March 12th, 2023, 83% user give 5-star rating, 17% user give 1-star rating. for Oasis Wallet chrome extension.

Reviews of oasis wallet:

MRTH March 12th, 2023

Can not detect Ledger Nano X

Brandon Cook July 11th, 2022
Brandon Cook

While the paratime (parallel runtime) architecture of the Oasis blockchain is very complex and can be difficult to get one's head around, this wallet (alongside Metamask for EVM) is a very clean, intuitive solution to navigating the network. As far as a typical user is concerned, Paratimes work much like Layer-2 rollup networks like Arbitrum and Optimism that run on top of Ethereum as a Layer-1. But, instead of using risky bridge protocols to move assets up/down/between layers of Ethereum's ecosystem, Oasis assets like $ROSE are moved from the Oasis Mainnet (layer-1) to a Paratime like Emerald Mainnet (EVM layer-2) by a transaction within the Oasis wallet itself, and can be moved back by a transaction within an EVM-based wallet like Metamask. In essence, Oasis designed away the risks of bridge applications while maintaining the scalability benefits of a layered architecture, substantially improving both overall security and user experience. A greatly underappreciated feat of engineering from a shockingly underrated project and team. Props to Oasis.

Anri Digholm January 5th, 2022
Anri Digholm

Works great.

JR Rowling December 5th, 2021
JR Rowling

Wow Super Ez to use. 24 mneomic phase done through main wallet. extension only create 12 word.

Miz September 22nd, 2021

absolutely beautiful brose

Mare Milojkovic September 22nd, 2021
Mare Milojkovic

Works like a charm