Qualys Browser Recorder chrome extension

Version: 1.2.24_24
Qualys Browser Recorder
Qualys Browser Recorder is a free browser extension to record & play back scripts of any web application.
3.62 Based on 8 user rates

What is Qualys Browser Recorder?

Qualys Browser Recorder is a browser recorder extension for chrome. it's a free extension and is featured in Developer Tools, it has 6,000+ active users since released its first version, it earns an average rating of 3.62 from 8 rated user, last update is 1126 days ago.

What’s new in version 1.2.24_24?

                Qualys Browser Recorder is a free browser extension to record & play back scripts for web application automation testing. Qualys Browser Recorder includes the entire Selenium Core, allowing you to capture web elements and record actions in the browser to let you generate, edit, and play back automated test cases quickly and easily. The authors would like to thank contributors to SideeX, Selenium Core, and Selenium IDE. Qualys Browser Recorder would not have been possible without their valuable work, time, and effort.

How to install Qualys Browser Recorder?

You could download the latest version crx file or older version files and install it.

Preview of Qualys Browser Recorder

Technical Features:

  • Latest Version: 1.2.24_24
  • Requirements: Windows Chrome, Mac Chrome
  • License: Free
  • Latest update: Monday, May 3rd, 2021
  • Author: Qualys Inc.

Qualys Browser Recorder Available languages:

English (United States).


Reviews of qualys browser recorder:

Nigel Beresford August 10th, 2022
Nigel Beresford

Works well for recording test cases BUT causes repeated freezes in chromium based MS Edge on some websites. For example: https://www.diy.com/ I've tried 2 separate instances and each time, disabling the extension immediately rectifies the problem. I'll still use it but for now it has default state of disabled in my browsers.

Keagan Williams September 1st, 2020
Keagan Williams

In the current version, if it is unable to bubble itself to become window.top. It will cause an infinite loop and freeze your tab.

Christopher Arndt July 25th, 2018
Christopher Arndt

This tool allowed Qualys Web Scanner to successfully submit a Rails web form. This tool works nicer and is uploadable to Qualys than the previous tool (Selenium IDE). Thank you! to the developer of this extension.

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