Audible Library Extractor chrome extension

Version: 0.2.8
Audible Library Extractor
Extracts your Audible library metadata and automatically generates a locally viewable gallery that can also be uploaded online.
5.00 Based on 12 user rates

What is Audible Library Extractor?

Audible Library Extractor is a library extension for chrome. also, it is audible extension. it's a free extension and is featured in Accessibility, it has 2,000+ active users since released its first version, it earns an average rating of 5.00 from 12 rated user, last update is 898 days ago.

What’s new in version 0.2.8?

                Note: this extension is not affiliated with Audible.


1. Go to your Audible library and click the Audible Library Extractor link on the right above the search input
2. In the next view you can choose what to extract and start the extraction process by clicking the big blue button.

After the extraction is done a new tab with the gallery is opened. You can also it any time by right-clicking anywhere in an open tab under the Audible Library Extractor menu item and then "Extension gallery".

You can choose to save the gallery as a standalone web gallery using the floppy disk button at the top right corner ?. It’ll save a zip file that you can unpack to find an index.html file inside. This file can be opened in the browser without a need to have the extension installed or enabled.


You can find this documentation any time by right-clicking anywhere in an open tab under the "Audible Library Extractor" menu item.

?  PROJECT IN GITHUB:            

How to install Audible Library Extractor?

You could download the latest version crx file or older version files and install it.

Preview of Audible Library Extractor

Technical Features:

  • Latest Version: 0.2.8
  • Requirements: Windows Chrome, Mac Chrome
  • License: Free
  • Latest update: Sunday, January 2nd, 2022
  • Author: joonaspaakko

Audible Library Extractor Available languages:

English (United States).


Reviews of audible library extractor:

Matt A. April 16th, 2023
Matt A.

Wow! Surprisingly beautiful!! My lil' brother requested a list of my books so I immediately looked up an extension to make my life easier.. tbh I barely skimmed the description and I thought it would download my list into a sheet or something- what I got was so much more :D Not only did it have the option to download into a CSV sheet, which I didn't end up trying but it created a beautiful, functional HTML page that you can search and use It has so many sort options (date added, length, 20+ others) and filter options (finished status, series, length and many more) It has a Gallery View and a List View, a dark/light mode switch, ability to list by books, series or many more sub categories I mean this thing is LOADED with features!!! And it's absolutely STUNNING- beautiful UI/UX and very lightweight I ended up uploading it to my personal portfolio site and sending the link to my little brother instead and he was just as amazed! Thank you so much to the author for putting in all this work <3

Jeremy Klammer March 11th, 2023
Jeremy Klammer

Great app! If you are looking to download your library into a spreadsheet, it works flawlessely. Wow - I thought this task would be a pain and this app worked perfectly. Usually these types of tasks require going to Google and trying to hack things together for hours and weekends. This just worked flawlessly. Great job!

Matthew Alner March 9th, 2023
Matthew Alner

Holy hec there I was slinging some document query selectors to try to grab the titles of my books, thinking there's only 6 pages it won't be too arduous. Then I thought better check to see if someone else has cobbled together an extension to save me the time. Only to stumble on this masterpiece! What a gem does anything and everything I could have thought of. Got my csv of books I wanted no issue. Thank you fellow dev! Chearly a lot of time and love went in to this and it shows.

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