YouTube Like-Dislike Shortcut chrome extension

Version: 1.5.7
YouTube Like-Dislike Shortcut
Shift+Plus or Numpad Plus to like, Shift+Minus or Numpad Minus to dislike. Can't get any simpler.
4.42 Based on 40 user rates

What is YouTube Like-Dislike Shortcut?

YouTube Like-Dislike Shortcut is a youtube extension for chrome. also, it is music extension and keyboard shortcuts extension and youtube music extension. it's a free extension , it has 2,000+ active users since released its first version, it earns an average rating of 4.42 from 40 rated user, last update is 538 days ago.

What’s new in version 1.5.7?

                Basically, copies the like/dislike shortcut from YouTube Music, which means:  
• Shift+Plus (on the number row) to like a video
• Shift+Minus (on the number row) to dislike
• Numpad Plus to like
• Numpad Minus to dislike

• Pressing the like/dislike shortcut will only rate the video once, i.e., pressing again won't un-rate it
• To un-rate, use Shift+0 (on the number row)
• Auto-like videos based on a watch time threshold
• You can customize the shortcuts and the auto-like threshold

** The extension does not reveal the videos' dislike counters **

Source code:            

How to install YouTube Like-Dislike Shortcut?

You could download the latest version crx file or older version files and install it.

Preview of YouTube Like-Dislike Shortcut

Technical Features:

  • Latest Version: 1.5.7
  • Requirements: Windows Chrome, Mac Chrome
  • License: Free
  • Latest update: Monday, December 12th, 2022
  • Author: avi12

YouTube Like-Dislike Shortcut Available languages:



Reviews of youtube like-dislike shortcut:

Andrew Zibrovski January 12th, 2023
Andrew Zibrovski

Awesome. So much easier to put Likes using a button on the Numpad instead of dragging a mouse.

Rich Johnson December 1st, 2022
Rich Johnson

Changed my configs to shift+L for like and shift+D for dislike. No need for the stinky pinky on my 60%. Only thing that doesn't work, unless I don't understand it, at the time of this review is the "Un-rate" shortcut. It shoes a thumbs up or down in the middle of the screen, but it doesn't unlike undislike which is what I would expect it to do.

Bryan Chow October 5th, 2022
Bryan Chow

Worked well until the latest YouTube UI update broke it. Hope it will be fixed soon.

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