SellGuru-Free Amazon Niche Finder chrome extension

Version: 2.2.1
SellGuru-Free Amazon Niche Finder
Free Amazon Product Research Niche Finder Tools. Find out All Important Parameters for Selling on Amazon. SellGuru extension is a…
5.00 Based on 3 user rates

What is SellGuru-Free Amazon Niche Finder?

SellGuru-Free Amazon Niche Finder is a email hunter extension for chrome. also, it is amazon assistant extension. it's a free extension , it has 346 active users since released its first version, it earns an average rating of 5.00 from 3 rated user, last update is 498 days ago.

What’s new in version 2.2.1?

                Free Amazon Product Research Niche Finder Tools. Find out All Important Parameters for Selling on Amazon.

SellGuru extension is a powerful tool for Amazon product research. It is the most trustful platform which can build a successful and profitable business on Amazon. By SellGuru extension anyone can find a worthy niche to enter the market and start selling on Amazon quickly. Deep dive into Qualitative analysis on niche markets and assess competition, demand, profitability etc. Analyzing product ranking, sales volume, estimated revenue and more is tangible even without entering the product page.

If you face big data in the product search phase and you need to analyze this data, we strongly suggest you to use SellGuru tool to provide qualitative analysis instead. By this analysis, you can immediately know if the product is worth considering without looking into detailed product quantitative analytics.

Selling in Amazon is not easy. It becomes easy when you consider all aspects of the product research phase. Selling on Amazon is a business and you need a plan to enter it. SellGuru provides you a business plan for each idea. Save and compare all of your plans to choose the best ones.

With SellGuru’s Chrome extension, you can:

➤ Check all parameters for a niche market.

➤ Evaluate a niche to check if it is worthy to enter.

➤ Check the overall score of the niche and check competition, demand, profitability.

➤ Find idea for selling, search for it, narrow search results.

➤ Check demand by evaluating average Rank, Sales, Revenue and search volume for keyboards.

➤ Check competition by evaluating average Review, Rating, Number of EBCs, LQS and checking dominant sellers in the niche

➤ Check profitability by evaluating ROI with a free exclusive calculator to get a profound insight on costs and profit.

➤ Check trends to avoid seasonal products and Continual Demand.

➤ Check to have a reasonable selling price.

➤ Export niche and product keywords to improve product listings and use them in your PPC campaigns.

➤ View a keyword set of the most popular search terms for a product.

➤ Customize your search, settings, and filters and easily export data with CSV format.

➤ Export crucial parameters such as Best Seller Rank, historical sales, and price.

➤ Changes, and get an Opportunity Score for a product based on demand, competition, and listing quality.

➤ Save and compare different niches for later to choose the best niche and research more about them.

➤ SellGuru Chrome Extension provides a niche overall score and a product score for private labeling.

➤ You can ask for a mentor's help or even hire a coach to monitor you and train you to enter the market more safely.

If you have any question or issue with the SellGuru Extension, let us know at "[email protected]“
Related Tools:  Jungle Scout, XRay, Helium 10, Egrow, SellerApp, Unicorn Smasher, Keepa, AMZ scout            

How to install SellGuru-Free Amazon Niche Finder?

You could download the latest version crx file or older version files and install it.

Preview of SellGuru-Free Amazon Niche Finder

Technical Features:

  • Latest Version: 2.2.1
  • Requirements: Windows Chrome, Mac Chrome
  • License: Free
  • Latest update: Saturday, January 21st, 2023
  • Author: fa.azami.83

SellGuru-Free Amazon Niche Finder Available languages:



Reviews of sellguru-free amazon niche finder:

Mohammad samari September 19th, 2022
Mohammad samari

This tool gave me useful information in the field of product research, which helped me a lot. I am waiting for the next updates.

mojtaba kargar June 22nd, 2022
mojtaba kargar

it's excellent

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