Reviews & Comments of textBlock chrome extension

From September 17th, 2020 to July 1st, 2022, 33% user give 5-star rating, 33% user give 4-star rating, 33% user give 2-star rating. for textBlock chrome extension.

Reviews of textblock:

bun nyd May 18th, 2022
bun nyd

Makes reading a website so much better. Wish there was an option to export the settings you set.

Political politics August 19th, 2021
Political politics

Can it block whole URLs too? As it is it hides the main domain but the rest still makes it clickable... Also, it removed all the words I had at one point...

senselocke September 17th, 2020

Oh hell yes. This is brilliant. It lets you replace any string with a different one. So, using RegEx, "(Donald )?( J\.?)? Trump" is replaced with "Lord Dampnut". I wish I could get this on mobile, it'll make the news so much more pleasant nicer to read. I cackle every time it triggers.