Anywish | Wishlists and online gift lists chrome extension

Version: 2.0.3
Anywish | Wishlists and online gift lists
Instantly add gift ideas to your Anywish wishlists, from any online store you're visiting.
5.00 Based on 1 user rates

What is Anywish | Wishlists and online gift lists?

Anywish | Wishlists and online gift lists is a shopping extension for chrome. it's a free extension and is featured in Social & Communication, it has 59 active users since released its first version, it earns an average rating of 5.00 from 1 rated user, last update is 554 days ago.

What’s new in version 2.0.3?

                Click the Anywish extension button or right-click on an image, link, or selected text then select "Add to Anywish..." to add items to your wishlists.

Your gift ideas are stored safely on your Anywish account. Visit from any device to organize your wishlists and share them. 

Your friends and family won't need to download anything or even open an account to see your list.

Add the Anywish extension now and say goodbye to terrible gifts.            

How to install Anywish | Wishlists and online gift lists?

You could download the latest version crx file or older version files and install it.

Preview of Anywish | Wishlists and online gift lists

Technical Features:

  • Latest Version: 2.0.3
  • Requirements: Windows Chrome, Mac Chrome
  • License: Free
  • Latest update: Monday, October 31st, 2022
  • Author: Anywish

Anywish | Wishlists and online gift lists Available languages:



Reviews of anywish | wishlists and online gift lists:

Mélissa Girard April 5th, 2021
Mélissa Girard

/// French version below /// Here's Anywish, by far the most advanced and practical productivity list app ever created. Anywish allow you to create, share and update easily your wish lists or your daily shopping lists. It is the best way to keep your gifts ideas for Christmas season for all family and kids all year long and be ready and organized by the time Christmas is at the door. No need to write the gift list of your grand children on a paper piece at the restaurant at the last minute by December 23th! With Anywish, anyone can share a list to one or many persons and that's it. All the important informations such as the price, the store where the gift can be found (or the website), the picture of the item and more. With only one click in the item description, it is possible to buy the item directly from the website store. Pretty useful during stores shutdowns because of the pandemic! With the Anywish extension, you can easily add an item to one of your list when you are browsing on a website and you want save the idea quickly for later. Just one click on the item and all the data is imported in your wish without any effort. Anywish is available everywhere since the lists are saved on the cloud and therefore can be accessed on your cellphone, tablet or computer at the same time. A powerful and easy to use tool worthy of interest. And, more importantly: Anywish is entirely free, no monthly subscription, no ads. /// French version/// Voici Anywish, de loin l'application de productivité la plus avancée et la plus pratique. Elle vous permet de créer, partager et mettre à jour facilement vos listes de souhaits, d'achats quotidiens ou encore pour conserver vos idées cadeaux de Noel pour les petits, la famille et vos amis tout au long de l'année. Plus besoin d'écrire la liste de cadeau des petits-enfants sur un bout de papier à la dernière minute au restaurant le 23 décembre. Avec Anywish, on partage notre liste et le tour est joué. Toutes les informations y sont présentes, y compris le lieu d'achat, le prix, l'image. On peut cliquer sur un lien dans la liste pour faire l'achat directement en passant par le site web du vendeur, tout simplement. Pas mal pratique en temps de pandémie! Avec l'extension, Anywish permet d'ajouter une idée sur notre liste en un clic, directement sur le site Web visité, toutes les informations pertinentes sont importées directement. Anywish est accessible partout puisque les listes sont basées sur le "cloud" et donc disponible sur notre cellulaire, tablette ou ordinateur en même temps. Un outil puissant et facile à utiliser qui vaut la peine de s'y intéresser. Aussi, à ne pas négliger: Anywish est gratuite, aucun frais mensuel, aucune publicité.

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