Addon Everywhere chrome extension

Version: 1.0.10
By: ww
Addon Everywhere
This extension helps you discover applicable tampermonkey UserScripts and stylish Customized Styles for the site you are exploring.
3.83 Based on 12 user rates

What is Addon Everywhere?

Addon Everywhere is a search tools chrome extension. it's a free extension , it has 1,000+ active users since released its first version, it earns an average rating of 3.83 from 12 rated user, last update is 2110 days ago.

What’s new in version 1.0.10?

This Extension supports Chinese and English
‘Addon Everywhere’,让改善触手可及。







‘Addon Everywhere’,让改善触手可及。
Why I create this extension?

There's no website can meet all users' requirement (for example, I just feel there are too many advertisements in though it is really powerful). So people start to find ways to somehow customize the behavior and appearance of the website to meet their preference. 

'UserScript' and 'Customized Stylish Styles' are definitely two good options.

'UserScripts' are a kind of customized JavaScript programs, which will keep running in the background by use of a 'UserScript Manager Browser Extension' like 'TamperMonkey', and will provide you extra functions and convenience by modifying the certain target web pages (like google, twitter) that you are exploring. 
e.g:, compare price of items in Amazon, add extra search options to Google etc.

'Customized Stylish Styles' is similar with 'UserScripts', the difference is that: 'UserScripts' mainly change the behavior of web page, while 'Customized Stylish Styles' change the appearance. By use of 'Stylish', another Chrome extension, people can change the web page theme by loading customized styles.
some examples: 'Give the fackbook a clear dark view', 'Custom YouTube video progress bar to Nyan Cat','Night mode for all web pages to protect your eyes'.

One aspect of 'UserScripts' and 'Customized Styles' is that they can be shared. They can be uploaded to a repository where they become available to other users for downloading. 

However, there's really rare case that we search 'UserScripts' and 'Customized Styles' on our initiative.

'Addon Everywhere' is born to help you discovery good 'UserScripts' and 'Customized Styles' instantly and passively while you are exploring the web page. 
Without any burden, good 'UserScripts' and 'Customized Styles' just come to you!


How to install Addon Everywhere?

You could download the latest version crx file or older version files and install it.

Preview of Addon Everywhere

Technical Features:

  • Latest Version: 1.0.10
  • Requirements: Windows Chrome, Mac Chrome
  • License: Free
  • Latest update: Saturday, August 4th, 2018
  • Author: ww

Addon Everywhere Available languages:



Reviews of addon everywhere:

Pat MySecret March 14th, 2022
Pat MySecret

Search for More Scripts button leads to site in Chinese language. Note that Violent Monkey, which is Open Source, has this capability to search built-in. This extension, however, acts like a sort of beacon that something is available.. though I am finding some ineffective scripts, no fault of the extension writer. Violent Monkey makes it easier to check without an Addon than TamperMonkey.

mahooc July 19th, 2018

I can't add ANY theme to a website. But.. It did almost nothing

白鸽(白鸽男孩) April 22nd, 2018

别的都很好,但有三个小问题: ①在自定义样式里点击查看更多可用样式会显示500错误。 ②列表里有多个脚本的情况下,点击任意一个脚本窗口就消失了,希望能够在点脚本后窗口不消失。 ③直接点安装时仅判定装没装TamperMonkey,但实际上暴力猴等扩展同样具有TamperMonkey的功能,比如我就喜欢用暴力猴。

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